Flat White

In-depth analysis of the day’s news, plus stories and gossip from Australian politics.

We don’t want Shorten to succeed, but Liberals to act like Liberals

13 May 2019 1:13 pm

The week in politics, the week to come: The final week of this meandering election campaign is upon us. The…

EXCLUSIVE: Kel Richards’ election dictionary

13 May 2019 11:10 am

Puzzled by the way words are used in the election campaign? Here’s your handy cut out ‘n’ keep pocket guide…

Naive, nasty, noxious and negative: the Greens exposed

13 May 2019 8:06 am

What do you think of when you hear the word “Greens”? If you’re a Lib, you’re probably already foaming at…

Israel Folau, Rugby Australia and how tolerant should we be of intolerance?

12 May 2019 5:42 pm

The Israel Folau case has brought up a crucial question our society has asked before, and will undoubtedly ask again.…

Time to drop the binary bulldust and proudly proclaim ‘Happy Acknowledgement Day’?

12 May 2019 3:13 pm

Our perspicacious political insider writes exclusively: CBD reluctantly admits to some recidivist traits. One is love of parents. Given Mot—-…

Mothers Day and our bitter national custody battle

12 May 2019 1:00 am

Mothers Day offers an interesting point of reflection for Australia this year. It’s a week before the election and Australians…

Mark Latham: back in the bullring, uncensored

11 May 2019 6:09 pm

This is the full text of the Maiden Speech of the Hon Mark Latham MLC presented to the New South…

He’ll get by with a little help from his friends

11 May 2019 11:38 am

Our perspicacious political insider writes exclusively: CBD knows it’s Red Shield Appeal week, but instead wants to say Thank God…

What’s woke this week?

10 May 2019 4:37 pm

What’s woke this week? Actually, we’re cheating a little with what’s woke the week after next — and the week…

Israel Folau: the facts

10 May 2019 12:36 pm

There has obviously been a lot written on the whole fiasco involving Israel Folau and Rugby Australia, but the reporting…

CBD: Don’t Simon Birmingham and co know handshakes are bourgeois and condescending?

10 May 2019 9:36 am

Our perspicacious political insider writes exclusively: What is it about handshakes? GULAG supporters recall with horror the 2004 Latham /Howard…

A Latin-American libertarian speaks

9 May 2019 4:31 pm

Her speech is direct and precise. Gloria Alvarez says what she thinks, and does not seem to be afraid of…

CBD: If the hard right would just shut up we could all live in peace and harmony

9 May 2019 1:27 pm

Our perspicacious political insider writes exclusively: Activism is to be celebrated, as is making a stand. Indeed BS’s mentor (Scally…

Multiculturalism is the enemy of diversity

9 May 2019 8:04 am

The American motto E pluribus unum (“Out of many, one”) expressed perfectly the founding intent to mould a land of…

Throwing eggs is free speech at its best, but Israel Folau peddles fear and superstition

8 May 2019 5:02 pm

Our perspicacious political insider writes exclusively: It’s always pleasing when one’s opponents miss an opportunity. Especially when it is a…

Israel Folau: the kangaroo court has spoken

8 May 2019 2:23 pm

The kangaroo court has spoken. It’s no longer possible to be an Australian athlete and a confessing Christian. Yesterday Israel…

Three debate tips for ScoMo for tonight’s debate

8 May 2019 12:57 pm

Tonight’s National Press Club debate is crucial in that it’s actually going to be watched and not just reported.  Not…

Steve Bannon is right: this election is boring

8 May 2019 9:15 am

A few weeks out from the federal election is the perfect time to recognise a fundamental truth of contemporary Australian…

This weird, nerdy kid from communist Poland’s moment of economic revelation

7 May 2019 5:47 pm

Unlike some people, I’ve never had a religious experience, that moment of staggering clarity when one seems to connect with…

CBD:Convince on climate change for a climate of change

7 May 2019 1:25 pm

Our perspicacious political insider writes exclusively: As the economic policies of the GULAG falter along with BS’s approval ratings it…

If Captain Whacky is setting China policy, we need to know

7 May 2019 8:19 am

It is often said that not a great deal was accomplished in the 35 months Malcolm Turnbull was prime minister,…

Some coral just isn’t sexy enough for James Cook Uni and the Climate Inquisition

6 May 2019 5:00 pm

The First Finding handed down by Judge Salvador Vasta in the Peter Ridd court case concerned Bramston reef off Bowen…

Poor little rich boys, your average boy better beware…

6 May 2019 3:10 pm

Our perspicacious political insider writes exclusively: What is it about some rich kids? They’re wonderful, aren’t they? Wallowing around in…

ScoMo’s enthusiasm just isn’t enough

6 May 2019 12:21 pm

The week in politics, the week to come. My five-month-old daughter Elizabeth loves music. Any music. Even my cack-handed piano…

Why the big miners turned green?

6 May 2019 8:37 am

Big miners like Rio and BHP employ many geologists, chemists and physicists who can show that natural climate cycles have…