Viv Forbes

A pilot plant for Net Zero

23 July 2024 4:06 pm

Let’s use Canberra as the test case for green insanity

Big batteries bring big problems

14 July 2024 2:31 am

Wind and solar energy have a fatal flaw – intermittency. Solar generators won’t run on moon-beams – they fade out…

Battery baloney, hydrogen hype, and green fairy tales

1 July 2024 1:20 am

How low Australia has fallen… Our once-great BHP now has a ‘Vice President for Sustainability and Climate Change’, the number…

Net Zero burial of carbon dioxide?

4 June 2024 10:11 pm

The Queensland government recently placed a ban on pumping and dumping carbon dioxide into the rocks of the Great Artesian…

The carbon capture con 

15 May 2024 3:00 am

Carbon-capture-and-underground-storage (CCUS) tops the list of silly schemes ‘to reduce man-made global warming’. The idea is to capture exhaust gases…

A diesel in the shed

24 April 2024 2:30 am

You can have your solar panels and your turbines on the hills; You can use the warmth of sunshine to…

The return of the hungry horses

11 April 2024 1:12 am

Electric vehicles are eating up our resources

Ad-free media? There is no ad-free media…

27 March 2024 2:00 am

Commercial media promotes goods, services, functions, and political messages for those prepared to pay for these services. The government-owned ABC…

Stop wasting water

31 January 2024 2:00 am

Australia’s population increases by one person every 50 seconds and they all need water

When the ice returns

16 December 2023 1:57 am

Earth is living in the latter days of the Holocene Warm Era. This is the latest short, fertile, warm interlude…

Time for Climate Exit

2 December 2023 10:59 pm

The world’s rich and famous – plus an army of publicists, hangers-on, and mendicants – are attending the COP28 meeting…

The Net Zero lemmings rush

27 November 2023 4:30 am

Australia’s ALP/Green government and their media mates are using subsidies, taxes, and propaganda in a lemming-style attempt to move the…

Cash beats electronic money

10 November 2023 1:31 am

The Optus crash in Australia showed the value of cash

Green, powerless, and defenceless

1 November 2023 5:00 am

As Net Zero strangles Australian industry, Australia is becoming green, powerless, and defenceless. History holds lessons that we ignore at…

Time to punish the Big End of town?

22 October 2023 5:51 pm

Australia’s Big End of Town gambled heavily in the Voice Cup. They lost. Only the Nanny ‘State’ (Canberra) voted ‘Yes’,…

The sad story of failed ‘Voices’

10 October 2023 1:03 pm

The Hawke-Labor government established ATSIC in 1990 ‘so that aboriginals could be involved in the processes of government affecting their…

Why I will vote ‘No’

4 October 2023 4:30 am

Australians are being asked to approve a permanent change to our Constitution. This change is racist in intent and divisive…

Predators and parasites prowl the Bowen Basin 

28 June 2023 4:30 am

After our great adventure helping Utah Development Co locate and measure their magnificent coal resources along the western edge of…

The Bowen Basin coal pioneers – Collinsville, Thiess, and Utah

18 June 2023 5:00 am

When they erect a huge monument to the coal pioneers of the Bowen Basin, three groups must be prominent: The…

The Bowen Basin pioneers: prospectors, squatters, drovers, and miners 

9 June 2023 5:30 am

Viv Forbes was part of a small team of geologists given the task of mapping the Bowen Basin over the…

Bowen Basin geological dramas

30 May 2023 5:30 am

Part 2 of the Bowen Basin Stories… Who says ‘geology is boring’? It is a story of floods and droughts,…

The Bowen Basin adventures

21 May 2023 5:00 am

I am one of the few survivors of a team of Bowen Basin pioneers who started the systematic exploration of…

Everyone forgot about Earth Hour

24 April 2023 6:00 am

Editor’s Note: Earth Hour is the creation of the World Wildlife Fund. It is an event during which companies and…

The green foods time bomb

1 April 2023 7:00 am

Green propagandists continue to inflict lethal damage to our electricity industry – it has become unreliable and expensive. Their intrusive…

The Federation Cross

9 March 2023 5:00 am

Away back in the good old days when men could find a job; When money was as good as gold…