The Murdoch Royal Commission is one man’s inadequacy
There is an unpleasant screaming and stamping of feet coming from aisle three where a toddler has been divested of…
Twitter taps out
There is a truth universally acknowledged that when Twitter mucks around with its shadowy algorithms, the whole platform reaches censorship…
Why I’m dressing as Daniel Andrews this Halloween
Halloween is the greatest moral dilemma facing Western Civilisation. What started out as a bit of fun involving spooks and…
A republic – or Krazy King Kev?
Malcolm Turnbull, Kevin Rudd, and Peter FitzSimons all fancy themselves Australia’s next king. Not as a constitutional monarch with limited…
Capslock campaigning
Last night, President Donald Trump ran a little experiment on us. It came in the form of rapid-fire CAPSLOCK tweets,…
Why has Victoria become a danger zone for journalists?
Asking meticulous questions of Premier Daniel Andrews is the fastest way to get yourself sent to the gulag. China hasn’t…
Australia is fed up watching premiers engage in bondage-play with the free market
When a nation has as many public servants as there are genders, you’d bank on a few geniuses being mixed…
Sweden’s success mocks our folly
Sweden matters. It sits there like a thousand-foot skyscraper in the middle of a medieval town, casting awkward shadows over…
The CFMMEU’s dirty little secret
There’s a rather clever ad kicking around featuring a naked miner, holding his work hat over his genitals, accusing the…
Footballers in, desperate Australians who want to see dying loved ones? How do you help us win the election?
Only the ‘compassionate’ left on Twitter could trend #ScottyTheBully as a defensive response to the cruel, heartless Annastacia Palaszczuk and…
How can singing “Never, never, never shall be slaves” upset Black Lives Matter?
You would imagine that a song about ‘never, never, never’ being slaves would make the Black Lives Matter movement happy. Aside…
How white was my tele
Racism is a diverse creature. It survives as a pilot-fish ideology that attaches itself to human civilisation, suckled at the…
Cultural notes
Swimming in the Twitterverse What even is Twitter? Speaking as a creature who evolved in its depths, I feel a…
Superglued to socialism
‘With love & rage…’. This is how an existential threat to civilisation signs off. The cute tag hangs below Extinction…
Keneally sells out
It is not the easiest thing in the world to cause a stir among conservatives. They are often described as…