Flat White
Enshrining free speech in the Constitution
I have introduced the Constitution Alteration (Right to Free Speech) 2025, the purpose of which is to enshrine freedom of…
On mass immigration, we need to listen less to elite talkfests, and more to conservatives of the heart
What should be the most important issue of the 2025 Federal Election in Australia? Nuclear power? Whacking Woke? The gender…
Kerr’s own goal
The Sam Kerr saga has exposed the shocking hypocrisy of Football Australia and the identity politics at the heart of…
Dutton should sound out Miranda Devine to be Washington Ambassador
The news that Australia does not get an exemption from Trump’s steel and aluminium tariffs is a failure of the…
The government never let a good crisis go to waste
That old political maxim, ‘Never let a good crisis go to waste…’ comes to mind when considering the government’s restrictions…
Labor policy makes gas more expensive
Sometimes politicians say things that are true. When they do, people often note that they are ‘saying the quiet part…
The Northern Territory has a vital role to play in defending Australia
In Australia’s latest National Defence Statement, it says that: ‘Australia faces the most complex and challenging strategic environment since the…
A crash course in tariffs
‘Tariff’ has staked an early claim to the title of 2025 Word of the Year. Highly relevant and commonly misunderstood…
Uniparty Hate Crime Bill won’t stop hate crime
The voting behaviour of senators on February 6 was bizarre to say the least. Labor’s Criminal Code Amendment (Hate Crimes)…
Support for Trump’s Gaza plan will soon emerge
Donald Trump’s proposal to own and rebuild Gaza has been criticised by every expert and the Arab nations in the…
Australian company insolvencies
ASIC released their latest insolvency statistics earlier this week and the results are concerning. A company becomes insolvent when they…
Boosting defence quickly and cheaply
Indulge yourself with a fascinating read of Admiral Sir Reginald Henderson’s 1911 recommendation for the protection of Australia’s coast. The…
Hate crimes: a new woke attack against free speech
A new and unprecedented law has passed the chamber, marking an incredibly frustrating time for those conservatives who are paying…
Let the leftists have their own way!
Lefties say and do the dumbest things! When it comes to leftism, most of us have learned long ago that…
Will Trump inspire Dutton to undo the Uniparty?
There is so much hot air blowing around at the moment. Almost every leftie on social media is having a…
China now rapidly falling behind
China’s autocratic President Xi Jinping has been reported many times as believing that America is in terminal decline. This has…
Trade wars: risks and opportunities for Australia
President Trump’s weaponising of trade may simply be applying pressure to correct what he sees as unequal access for goods…
Hamas and Putin
A two-state solution? Been there done that. Israel was state one, Gaza was state two. Gaza was under the armed…
Classical education can solve our school behaviour crisis
If the discourse within Australian education is to be believed, our classrooms have never been more inclusive, collaborative, interactive, empowering,…
The failure of the world wind leaders
Look at South Australia, Germany, and Britain. They boldly pioneered the green energy transition and now they are demonstrating that…
Info wars
In September last year, Russell Broadbent and a group comprising scientists, health professionals, lawyers, and academics, wrote to the Prime…
Dutton’s disunity: why the fight for sex-based rights is his to lose
Peter Dutton has built his leadership around a unifying vision for Australia, positioning himself as the statesman who rejected the…
What Said, said
Decolonisation in the 20th Century wasn’t always a great success. Over a million people were slaughtered in communal violence when…
I know the antidote, Douglas
I had just finished watching the Netflix series, Lioness, the other day when I read your lament, Douglas Murray, in…
The political war on tomorrow’s children
Elon Musk, ever the provocateur, has made perhaps his most contentious appeal: the world needs more babies. His pro-natalist views…