Defending families from the arrogance of government
Australia has long prided itself as a free spirit. A nation of people in control of our destiny with a…
Protecting freedom is how we keep our children safe
Australia has dodged the censorial Misinformation and Disinformation Bill, and yet something much worse in on the way. Following a…
Queensland: free of Labor, but not yet free
Allow me to offer my congratulations to the people of Queensland. We have freed ourselves from the inexcusable abuse perpetrated…
‘Far-Right’ or just ‘right about everything’?
The political world is full of baseless slurs uttered by historically and politically illiterate shock-jocks. The current favourite is ‘far-right’.…
Minor parties can save the West
‘Blame Farage for the Tory wipe-out!’ Or so went the rather limp voices in the UK, grasping for excuses following…
Has Julie Inman Grant undermined the Office of the eSafety Commission?
There are credible arguments for the existence of the Office of the eSafety Commission, provided it acts as intended. In…
‘No means NO!’ The WHO’s power grab fails
We cannot and will not allow the WHO to create a health dictatorship
Scream louder: we will not suffer the e-Stasi Commissar
A healthy democracy has a zero tolerance policy when it comes to censors. As I pledged on Spectator TV last week, One…
Digital ID dystopia: you do not solve incompetence with tyranny
With the Digital ID Bill passing through the Senate, the bombardment of promotional material has begun – even ahead of…
Retail outrage: Plibersek wants the clothes off your back. ‘I’ll be watching.’
To cope with the outrageous creep of authoritarian behaviour and inescapable globalism, sometimes citizens of the West refer to themselves…
Cockroaches in the halls of power, crickets in the press
Eating insects is not only an act of global salvation – following the advice of the United Nation’s advice on…
Power to the people: the National Rally Against Reckless Renewables
One Nation Leader, Pauline Hanson, spoke at the National Rally Against Reckless Renewables on the lawn in front of Parliament House in…
Isn’t it ironic?
Last Thursday on Music Band T-shirt Day, the Prime Minister chose to wear a T-shirt from the Australian band Radio Birdman.…
Gallagher’s Digital ID announcement fact-checked for misinformation
Labor has decided to rush one of its most hazardous policies through right on Christmas hoping this would strip the…
Is Treasurer Chalmers the Pontius Pilate of interest rates?
Australian Prime Ministers typically leave a single memory to mark their reign. Morrison had his lump of coal. Rudd loved…
Optus offers a taste of the digital Dark Ages
Last week, Australia was given a reminder about the importance of cash. Waking up to the Dark Ages, around 10…
Malcolm Roberts: The Voice is a test of Australia’s moral strength
There are periods in history when a nation is tested. Revolutionary activists promise popularity to leaders with floundering polls in…
Banking is a human right: can a people’s bank save us from ESG madness?
Australia has a problem. The financial security of the nation’s citizens dangles on the threads of ‘social virtue’ spun out…
The great green backlash: is Labor next?
Net Zero is the politics of poverty. This dim economic reality lurking beneath all the feel-good social media propaganda about…
The West’s child exploitation scandal: groomers and abusers
One Nation is referring the Classification Board to a Senate inquiry regarding the creep of inappropriate content that has made…
A demand for transparency on $26 million grant for gender diversity research
$26 million in public money has been set aside – in the middle of a financial crisis – specifically for…
Children targeted by WHO ‘Standards for Sexuality Education in Europe’
The World Health Organisation has orchestrated a ‘framework for policy makers, educational and health authorities and specialists’ titled, Standards for…
Albanese: ‘shadow politics’ and the WHO’s Pandemic Treaty
The old adage, ‘what you don’t know can’t hurt you’ does not apply to politics. What political leaders do in…
There is nothing ‘smart’ about surveillance cities
On December 3, Jo Nova penned an article, Climate lockdowns coming? You will be tracked in your suburb and happy about…
Yes, Australia has a problem with live birth data
The fact-checkers at the ABC jumped to the government’s rescue when I asked a few pointed questions about the reported decline in birth rates…