In-depth analysis of the day’s news, plus stories and gossip from Australian politics.
Is this the world’s most dangerous feminist?
If you believe the outrage among women’s groups, US-born filmmaker Cassie Jaye is not only the world’s most controversial feminist,…
Impropriety? Sexism and misogyny, puh-lease
A new bit of Clinton-media rot is making the rounds on social media, this one from the formerly estimable Time. Robin…
Excrement, vaginas and rainbow serpents, oh my!
I have been enjoying a road trip through Tasmania. For an island of startling natural beauty, it is ironic that…
18c. I would like to say more on indigenous disadvantage, but…
Kerryn Pholi’s outstanding opinion piece in today’s Australian examines the way the Australian Human Rights Commission has exclusively singled out Bill Leak for persecution under Section 18C of the Racial Discrimination Act for drawing ‘offensive’ things…
Abbott needs better advice, Turnbull needs to bury his pride
Yes, it is true that the buck stops with him, and that he is responsible for his decisions and actions,…
Lloyd Williams’ Cups doth overflow
“Anybody can sympathise with the sufferings of a friend, but it requires a very fine nature to sympathise with a…
The new, objectivity-free journalism?
A prize-winning reporter of the old school (we started as cadets on The West Australian together) has sent me a…
Civil war in DC and Hillary’s endgame
Judging by a intriguing report in The Wall Street Journal and several more like it in The New York Times…
A naked Mark Dreyfus and those Northern Irish bakers
Most are familiar with the children’s tale, The Emperor’s New Clothes. It follows the downfall of a conceited Emperor who fell…
What better way to be noticed than to mention Donald Trump?
Talk of Donald Trump really draws a crowd. For example, few people would have known of Zeid Ra’ad al-Hussein, the…
Celebrations, ABC-style
It’s a Hindu feast day today. Diwali. So, what’s the best way for the national broadcaster to mark it? Why,…
A Spectator Sunday meditation (for Waleed Aly)
The gender fluid and definitely not patriarchal Figurehead’s (if that doesn’t smack of privilege) Prayer Our Waleed who art on…
Do words Trump facts?
To dispense with the obvious, Donald Trump’s recently aired commentary about his extra-marital escapades are ill befitting of any serious…
The right write stuff: a conservative literature primer
Adelaide Sunday Mail columnist Peter Goers has written a hit-piece on his fellow News Corp scribbler, the precocious Caleb Bond, which he…
Time to start looking beyond Abbott
Whoever said or emailed what to whom, David Leyonhjelm’s Adler shotgun blasted through Coalition ranks last week. What this week’s…
Mia Freedman: preening poseur
Dear Mia I was interested to read the report published in the Grind coffee society magazine in relation to online…
The importance of being Kimberley Kitching
Senator-elect Kimberley Jane Elizabeth Kitching just loves winning. When it happens, her mouth literally explodes ear-to-ear with a supercilious Luna…
Will you take The Red Pill?
In the The Matrix, the protagonist Neo is offered a choice of taking the red pill which will wake him…
Malcolm’s example inspires military mutiny
Australian military-political intrigue claimed its first victim on January 26, 1808 when the NSW Rum Corps arrested Governor William Bligh.…
Official: the moment The Age died
Check the date on the screengrab below, good people. Look at the time. It is a snapshot of the exact…
Policy consistency: The Conversation last year, the ABC today?
Last year the government withdrew its funding from the pseudo-academic website The Conversation, saying its aggressive expansion appeared to indicate it…
Death and taxes (and even more taxes)
Australia’s state and federal death taxes (aka estate duties or inheritance taxes) were consigned to the graveyard of abolished taxes…
$38,000 cash for each lucky voter plus a chance to shame the Nats
Resurrected Western Australian Nationals leader Brendon Grylls is standing firm. Deluded, but standing firm. He’s demanding that a future government…
Lord Zimmers and the High Tories*
‘Even if we allowed you to vote − which is never going to happen − you serfs would only be…
How the left created Donald Trump
Regardless of who wins the American presidential election, the most interesting and constructive question surrounding this grim circus can already…