Bella d’Abrera

eSafety Commissioner no longer pretending to hide political bias

25 July 2024 11:54 pm

Much has been made of Julie Inman Grant’s totalitarian tendencies to crackdown on Australians’ free speech under the guise of…

Lowering ourselves to Rising

1 June 2024 9:00 am

While Victorians can’t afford their bills, they’re paying for a post-modern horror show

Oppression, dispossession and massacres

11 May 2024 9:00 am

Welcome to classroom Victoria


Home-schooling seeks to avoid the cluttered National Curriculum

10 May 2024 2:52 am

The Queensland government has declared war on the ever-growing number of parents across the state who have decided to home-school…

Vandalism of the decolonisers

13 April 2024 9:00 am

Australia’s rich cultural history is being deliberately destroyed

Dreamtime maths

23 March 2024 9:00 am

How the national curriculum is politicising our kids

Who’s teaching the teachers?

16 December 2023 9:00 am

No wonder woke has won

My pronouns are Bah/Humbug

20 November 2023 9:27 pm

This week I went to see Charles Dicken’s 1843 A Christmas Carol at the Old Vic theatre in London and…

The Prime Minister’s Propaganda Awards

13 November 2023 8:14 pm

For those keeping up with Australia’s literary scene, you might be interested to know that the winners of the Prime…

Trepidatious Travel

13 October 2023 8:52 am

Intrepid Travel is a UK-based company which offers a mind-boggling array of small group tours around the globe. From mountain…

One queer story at a time

5 October 2023 5:43 pm

These days, no self-respecting writers festival is complete without four woke essentials; an LGBQTI+ session, a climate change group therapy…

The mayors’ road to serfdom

2 October 2023 6:22 pm

If you have plans about the kind of life you’d like to be living in 2030, think again. A cabal…

Happy SEXtember!

25 September 2023 6:27 pm

From 18-29 September, the University of New South Wales is holding its annual SEXtember festival, which is billed as ‘celebrating…

Flogging a dead horse

11 September 2023 6:00 pm

It is an interesting, if not depressing exercise to look at what the notoriously woke Victorian Association for the Teaching…

Child soldiers in the culture war

4 September 2023 5:25 pm

As we move closer and closer to the referendum, stories are emerging from our schools that should make any parent…

Queering your schooldays

31 August 2023 5:56 pm

The University of Sydney’s Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, Australia’s most elite training centre for the woke, has outdone…

Wear it Purple Day

24 August 2023 6:19 pm

For those who are keeping track of the woke liturgical calendar, today is ‘Wear it Purple Day.’ It is an…

Politics and power at the Canberra Writers Festival

21 August 2023 6:07 pm

This past weekend produced a veritable smorgasbord of political conferences to cater for all tastes. We had the 48th Labor…

Saying No to elite politicking

14 August 2023 5:42 pm

This blurring of lines between the sporting arena and the political arena has to stop, especially when it comes to…

Social Justice Scouts

7 August 2023 4:49 pm

Parents in the UK are up in arms because the Scouts have been caught hiring seven new Diversity & Inclusion…

Referendum ready ‘yes’ voters

3 August 2023 5:06 pm

This week, the NSW Department of Education released a new draft History syllabus for Years 7-8 and I’m afraid there’s…

Unwelcome to Skybus

31 July 2023 5:40 pm

The least a passenger can expect from boarding a bus is that the bus company knows where you are departing…

Beating butter to death

24 July 2023 5:39 pm

Footage of an ‘artist’ kneeling on the ground whilst beating a slab of butter to death with a power cord…

Misandrist Barbie

23 July 2023 8:17 am

I must take my hat off to the marketing team at Warner Bros. who managed to fool us into thinking…

The Dispirit of Australia

17 July 2023 5:58 pm

In the schmalzy Qantas jingle ‘I Still Call Australia Home’, composer Peter Allen says he’s been to cities that never…