Flat White

In-depth analysis of the day’s news, plus stories and gossip from Australian politics.

Rebooting democracy

15 February 2017 4:25 pm

Like prophets of old, McLuhan’s warnings “the media is the message” has gone as unheeded as the Buggles observation that…

The Libs go AWOL in the battle of ideas

15 February 2017 7:22 am

Cory may have abandoned us and Pauline might be nicking our base from under us, but at least we die-hard…

That dinner, that beat up, that … yawn

14 February 2017 5:11 pm

‘Notorious controversialists make controversial remarks at controversial fundraiser’ is the lamest news story in a year already chock full of lame news stories. It…

Do we have the faith to change the world?

14 February 2017 1:48 pm

Martin Scorsese’s Silence is not the kind of film that aspires to popularity. Partly this is because, as a viewing experience, it…

The myth of white male supremacy

14 February 2017 7:30 am

The contemporary Left has often embraced morally repugnant policies that are not truly socially inclusive, but that embrace a collection of separate identity…

Meryl menaced by the Trump terror. Again…

13 February 2017 6:28 pm

A few weeks after her moral preening and posturing at the Golden Globes, when she portrayed herself and her fellow jet-setting…

Victoria: elder abuse, euthanasia and the burden of proof

13 February 2017 2:06 pm

Anyone who cannot see that coercion and abuse of the elderly and infirmed confirms that assisted suicide and euthanasia can…

Why the feminist movement is failing women

13 February 2017 7:24 am

Watching the women’s marches around the globe, manifesting themselves around Washington DC on the day of the US Presidential Inauguration,…

The real story of the Q Society dinner

12 February 2017 10:38 am

Jacqueline Maley’s report of Thursday night’s Sydney Q Society dinner published on the Sydney Morning Herald’s website on Friday has…

An inconvenient record

11 February 2017 12:09 pm

I’ll tell you a tale and it won’t take me long, all climate alarmists are bastards. Not only do they…

Renewables: stupid is as stupid does

10 February 2017 2:54 pm

Recent (and frequent) power failures and ever increasing renewable energy targets by Labor States makes it seem like Australia is…

What would have happened if she had a gun…

10 February 2017 1:55 pm

Last week a woman named Teresa Bradford was stabbed to death by her husband. Speaking at the crime scene, Detective…

Now the Liberal loyalists must make their case

10 February 2017 7:06 am

Liberal Party loyalists, right-wing pragmatists, and parliamentary purists are currently wringing their hands and lambasting Cory Bernardi’s decision to break away from the Coalition as variously…

Advice for the South Australian Liberal leader

9 February 2017 6:45 pm

Dear Steven, I used to have a boat next to yours at the yacht club and we spoke occasionally. Never…

E-cigarettes, not prohibition, are the best way to reduce smoking

9 February 2017 1:22 pm

Anti-tobacco crusaders are becoming increasingly honest about their end goal of banning smoking, with the Cancer Council of Queensland calling…

Cory is not the enemy

9 February 2017 7:25 am

As a member of the Liberal Party, and as a conservative classical liberal, I think it would have been better…

Dear Cory…

8 February 2017 8:45 pm

Dear Cory Your resignation is not one of insignificance and it has been met with a mixed reaction from Liberal…

Euthanasia: abandoning the aged

8 February 2017 4:33 pm

Recently my mother and I had to decide whether our 16-year-old dog required surgery. The need was clear, without going…

Are you a conservative, or a Liberal Party diehard?

8 February 2017 12:41 pm

Since the formation of the Australian Conservatives, many of my hand-to-God conservative mates have been passing around a quote from…

The 16 per cent non-solution

8 February 2017 7:03 am

As you read this it will have been half a year since Mr Turnbull and the Coalition limped back into…

Some senators have guts

7 February 2017 6:57 pm

Cory Bernardi is the worst sort of politician. He is the sort of politician who makes it plain that he…

Fairfax on Trump. Measured. Always

7 February 2017 4:12 pm

You thought Fairfax got carried away when the Abbott Clerical Dictatorship (© Gerard Henderson) came to power? Since The Donald…

Cory finally gets off the pot

7 February 2017 11:21 am

So Cory Bernardi has finally done it.  Today he leaves the Liberal party for his own vanity project, taking the six-year…

A plunge into politics as Trainspotting meets The West Wing

7 February 2017 7:33 am

Australia’s federal parliament isn’t normally associated with sex, drugs and dance parties and nor should it, because they’re rare occurrences.…

Full circle after 65 years on the throne

6 February 2017 5:33 pm

The first British (and Australian) monarch to spend sixty-five years on the Throne, today Her Majesty the Queen celebrates her ‘Blue Sapphire…