In-depth analysis of the day’s news, plus stories and gossip from Australian politics.
Punk rock conservatism is bollocks
The idea that Trump’s ascendancy has made conservatism a ‘counter-culture’ has been put forward by several right-leaning persons I admire…
Edward Gough Trump
For many it was if the prophesied Messiah had finally arrived while others feared the anti-Christ had descended upon the…
How Asia thrives without open borders
The European Union, the United States and Australia have since the late eighties shared in the belief that the key…
Daniel Andrews’ “Education State” is bullying homeschoolers
Everyone knows there is something wrong with our education system. The failure of testing such as NAPLAN to improve learning…
The left’s sickening superiority complex
They should be thriving, vigorous, durable dormitories. Instead, college campuses have become sickly ideological safe spaces for frail liberal indoctrination.…
“Free speech? You can’t handle free speech.”
Australia’s race commissioner Tim Soutphommasane is taking on an Orwellian mission this week, telling members of parliament they need to keep free…
Our pols can learn a thing or two from the Kiwi cousins
Today, Malcolm Turnbull visits New Zealand for his first leaders’ meeting with Kiwi Prime Minister Bill English. Trans-Tasman trade and whether there’s a future for the…
Fatuous fallacies
I confess that my expectations when it comes to Liberal Party MPs are pretty low these days. Many of them are quite content with…
Bede and Mary’s “Battle of Ideas”
Recently, the Young Liberals put together a publication called the “Liberal Review.” It was the type of exercise youth movements…
The Q&A sharia shout-out
The cool and hip, if occasionally shouty, face of young Islam in Australia, Yassmin Abdel-Magied, opines that if sharia law has got some…
Chekists aren’t our chums
BOSTON, UNITED STATES — Am I nuts? I feel like I might be nuts. On the one hand, unlike Tony…
Rebooting democracy
Like prophets of old, McLuhan’s warnings “the media is the message” has gone as unheeded as the Buggles observation that…
The Libs go AWOL in the battle of ideas
Cory may have abandoned us and Pauline might be nicking our base from under us, but at least we die-hard…
That dinner, that beat up, that … yawn
‘Notorious controversialists make controversial remarks at controversial fundraiser’ is the lamest news story in a year already chock full of lame news stories. It…
Do we have the faith to change the world?
Martin Scorsese’s Silence is not the kind of film that aspires to popularity. Partly this is because, as a viewing experience, it…
The myth of white male supremacy
The contemporary Left has often embraced morally repugnant policies that are not truly socially inclusive, but that embrace a collection of separate identity…
Meryl menaced by the Trump terror. Again…
A few weeks after her moral preening and posturing at the Golden Globes, when she portrayed herself and her fellow jet-setting…
Victoria: elder abuse, euthanasia and the burden of proof
Anyone who cannot see that coercion and abuse of the elderly and infirmed confirms that assisted suicide and euthanasia can…
Why the feminist movement is failing women
Watching the women’s marches around the globe, manifesting themselves around Washington DC on the day of the US Presidential Inauguration,…
The real story of the Q Society dinner
Jacqueline Maley’s report of Thursday night’s Sydney Q Society dinner published on the Sydney Morning Herald’s website on Friday has…
An inconvenient record
I’ll tell you a tale and it won’t take me long, all climate alarmists are bastards. Not only do they…
Renewables: stupid is as stupid does
Recent (and frequent) power failures and ever increasing renewable energy targets by Labor States makes it seem like Australia is…
What would have happened if she had a gun…
Last week a woman named Teresa Bradford was stabbed to death by her husband. Speaking at the crime scene, Detective…
Now the Liberal loyalists must make their case
Liberal Party loyalists, right-wing pragmatists, and parliamentary purists are currently wringing their hands and lambasting Cory Bernardi’s decision to break away from the Coalition as variously…
Advice for the South Australian Liberal leader
Dear Steven, I used to have a boat next to yours at the yacht club and we spoke occasionally. Never…