In-depth analysis of the day’s news, plus stories and gossip from Australian politics.
Russian winter is coming: the new war on faith
News of the Russian Olympic drug scandal has reached the ears of the media and is being rightly exposed, but…
I don’t believe in ‘no religion’
In the upcoming 2016 Australian Census, Australians will be given the option of ticking a box labelled ‘no religion’ when…
Facts have a left wing bias, do they?
I spluttered on my tea recently when reading the claim that facts have a left-wing bias. I suppose the proponents…
Hardly a ministry of all the talents
Malcolm Turnbull’s latest ministry – his third in less than a year – was announced on Monday. True to his…
Can plebiscites placate a piqued party?
It’s not just Julie Bishop talking about plebiscite preselections. Government sources say the issue got a very good workout in…
Country wisdom and the Liberals’ tin ear
In the hands of Malcolm Turnbull and Tony Abbott alone rests the chances for stability of the new Parliament and…
Friendless free trade
In just one day this week The Australian Financial Review published two news stories; Nationals could get two extra spots…
The PM and the common touch
It truly pains me to say this, but Niki Savva was quite right (Ah! Where are those pills?) Niki Savva…
The science of comfort food
A Jewish woman had two chickens. One got sick, so the woman made chicken soup out of the other one…
Never a more exciting time to be an Australian conservative
Centre-right social progressives might not like social conservatism. But there has never been a more exciting time to be an…
Cory’s conservative crusade is misguided
Since the Coalition’s woeful election campaign, and Malcolm Turnbull’s less than brilliant result capped by his election night diatribe, Liberal…
Dallas, denial and the pathology of evil
Overnight, Australian time, President Obama has paid an official visit to Dallas in the wake of the five fatal shootings…
Liberals must take back their party – and how to do it
Malcolm Turnbull’s knifing of Tony Abbott is proven to be a disaster, not only for the Liberal Party but also…
Theresa May and the wake of Project Sneer
Project Fear became in the end, as Daniel Hannan described it, ‘Project Sneer’. The massed legions of banks, multinationals, the…
Wot no Kevvie?
In all the excitement of the Brexit referendum, the presidential election and our own nail-biter poll we appear to have…
Time for Australian Conservatives to get it together
Australian Conservatives were told by Liberal Party pollster Mark Textor they had nowhere else to go when they expressed their…
Groupthink in the media and political classes
Never have so few done so little for so many. That more or less sums up our political class in…
Rediscovering law and order
The first duties of governments are to defend the realm, secure the borders and maintain the Queen’s peace, that is…
Turnbull – all for nothing by Richard Ferguson
Imagine you’re Malcolm Turnbull for a second (you might need to see a psychiatrist after the exercise). You have destroyed…
How many like me?
So to all those Liberal MPs, and perhaps to Barnaby Joyce and the Nats, here’s something you need to consider,…
How Malcolm’s mates let him down
As I type, Malcolm Turnbull’s media allies are no doubt gearing up to blame the ‘Del-Cons’ for the humiliating defeat…
Labor: Putting Unions First
Fifty-five years ago, unionist turned Labor leader Arthur Calwell lost the second-closest election in Australian history running on the mantra…
The left’s pre-poll assault on faith and freedom
I’m often told that it was “for my sins” that I was elected to the board of directors of Shire Christian…
Polling failure and fraud
Apart from empowering the British people and returning sovereignty to the United Kingdom, Brexit has exploded the myth that betting markets…
Gay Marriage – what the plebiscite question should be
According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics, the 2011 census found about 33,700 same-sex couples in Australia. About 17,600 couples…