Did Boris's bike ride breach lockdown rules?
Exercise is a dangerous game these days. As two women recently discovered, drive five miles for a walk at a beauty…
The trouble with alienating Middle America
You’ve got to admire the left. Granted, they own the internet, the media, the courts (apparently) and now the government,…
Praise be to our benevolent Big Tech Overlords
It is done. The Dark Lord has been vanquished. His threatening aura has been purged from Twitter, along with many…
What Amnesty International gets wrong about Israel's vaccine programme
Israel’s remarkable vaccine rollout has been deservedly praised. But not everyone is full of goodwill. Depressingly and inevitably, commentators and human…
Despite Covid, things really are getting better
If Covid-19 had swept Britain in 1800, the chances are that no one would have noticed. The clinical signatures of…
So much for cooler heads prevailing
There was a glimmer of hope amid the events at the US Capitol building on Wednesday. Could this be the…
MAGA arrives at the last level of the video game
I played my share of video games when I was a kid and there was nothing quite like getting to…
Trump’s social media ban sets a dangerous precedent
Facebook and Twitter’s decision to suspend Donald Trump is, legally speaking, fairly clear-cut. Both are private companies which set the…
Iran's people will pay a heavy price for Khamenei's vaccine politics
The Middle East is changing. Israelis now splurge at Gucci and Rolex in Dubai. Saudi women speed down desert highways;…
Joe Biden’s Big Tech takeover
Twitter’s banning of Donald Trump is like bolting the stable door after the QAnon shaman has gone. The damage was…
The end game
January 6, 2021 is a day that will live in infamy. On that day, our Capitol was assaulted by a…
The honorable Mike Pence
Who would want to have been in Vice President Mike Pence’s shoes on Wednesday? In recent weeks, the more manic…
Beijing revels in Washington’s chaos
The events on Capitol Hill were always going to be met with schadenfreude — perhaps even glee — among autocracies in…
Covid sparks a major incident in London
Is the NHS at risk of being overwhelmed? That’s a question of increasing concern in Westminster as hospital admissions rise. Sadiq Khan…
Beijing revels in Washington’s chaos
The events on Capitol Hill were always going to be met with schadenfreude — perhaps even glee — amongst autocracies…
Richard Sharp will not lead a BBC revolution
If you wanted to start a revolution would you choose an Oxford educated multi-millionaire banker to lead it? Not the…
The healthcare backlog will be Boris Johnson’s next challenge
Boris Johnson’s coronavirus press briefing this evening was largely an upbeat discussion of how the vaccination programme is being rolled…
The carnival in the Capitol
Generally, events that we think are significant will be passed over by historians — much in the same manner as…
Macron’s vaccine ‘citizen panel’ is doomed to fail
France has a problem when it comes to the coronavirus vaccine. Emmanuel Macron’s administration has so far only given out…
How Farage plans to shake up British politics
Right-wing protest politics has just catastrophically over-reached in America, but it is suddenly back in business in Britain. Its dominant…
We are living in a NeverTrump fantasy universe
Last July, Cockburn had this to say: ‘Commentators daydream of the moment Trump is dragged out, like Saddam Hussein from…
Only Trump is to blame for the Capitol chaos
On a recent visit to Central Europe I heard a joke that was going around in those parts, as well…
Remove Donald Trump now
Enough is enough. There really is no other way to contextualize perhaps the darkest day for America since airplanes hit…
This is not what a constitutional republic looks like
When a violent mob broke into the Capitol building, they did more than breach the barriers of House and Senate…
Trump is the gravedigger of the GOP
Congratulations, President Trump! It took a while but you’ve finally achieved the American carnage that you purported to descry in…