Brendan O'Neill

Brendan O'Neill is the editor of Spiked and a columnist for The Australian and The Big Issue.

When did Trump supporters become fans of cancel culture?

19 July 2024 3:45 pm

A rock band’s tour cancelled after one of the band members made a tasteless joke. A working-class cashier sacked from…

This election is a pale imitation of democracy

5 July 2024 2:05 am

Does anyone else feel like they’re living through a simulation of democracy? All the apparatus of democracy has been laid…

The BBC’s Miriam Cates hit job doesn’t add up

3 July 2024 2:23 am

This morning we witnessed BBC cant at its finest. It came in the form of an exposé of the Tory…

Why won’t Dawn Butler show solidarity with Kemi Badenoch?

27 June 2024 1:46 am

Behold the exquisite hypocrisy of the Labour MP Dawn Butler. This is a politician who has raised the alarm over…

Why do some anti-fascists have a problem with Jews?

25 June 2024 11:05 pm

Is it still okay to ‘Punch a Nazi’? I’m asking for a friend. In fact, I’m asking for many friends…

Just Stop Oil’s Stonehenge attack is unforgivable

20 June 2024 3:42 pm

So now we know: nowhere is safe from the entitled fury of the Just Stop Oil mob. Not even Stonehenge.…

The tragedy of Diane Abbott

29 May 2024 11:13 pm

Here’s the tragedy of Diane Abbott. She entered British politics as a trailblazer for black Britons and now she leaves…

The revolt of the Jews of London

24 May 2024 9:00 pm

Every now and then you see an event and you think to yourself: ‘This will go down in history.’ Last…

Salman Rushdie has exposed the great lie of a ‘Free Palestine’

20 May 2024 11:29 pm

This is what people must mean by the phrase ‘adults in the room’. After seven months of left-wing hotheads damning…

The troubling reaction to the shooting of Robert Fico

16 May 2024 10:47 pm

Just imagine if, following the killing of Jo Cox, some right-wing media outlet had said: ‘Well, she was a divisive…

JK Rowling is no bully

14 May 2024 1:46 am

I see JK Rowling is being cruel again. Her nasty streak is off its leash. She’s bullying random people and…

What is the anti-Israel Eurovision protest really about?

11 May 2024 1:14 am

A young Israeli woman warned to stay in her hotel room. A baying mob on the streets outside hollering slogans…

The truth about Israel’s ‘friendly fire’

4 April 2024 3:45 am

David Cameron has got some front. The Foreign Secretary is haranguing Israel over its tragic unintentional killing of seven aid…

The hounding of Kate was a new low for Britain

24 March 2024 12:36 am

Shame on the ghouls who spread lies and rumours about the Princess of Wales. And the idiot conspiracy theorists who…

How was the puberty blocking scandal ever allowed to happen?

17 March 2024 6:15 pm

Remember when Irish singer Róisín Murphy was set upon by the mob last year? Her crime: she criticised puberty blockers…

Leave Kate Middleton alone

12 March 2024 11:25 pm

Well done everyone for ruining Mother’s Day for the Princess of Wales. I hope you’re proud of yourselves. A young-ish…

The disgusting defacement of Lord Balfour’s painting

10 March 2024 1:12 am

There’s a new movement in town: Philistines for Palestine. Not content with traipsing through the streets every other weekend to…

Who could object to a Muslim war memorial?

7 March 2024 9:39 pm

I don’t understand right-wingers who spend most of their time on the internet. Often they’re found tut-tutting over what they…

Prince William should keep quiet about Gaza

21 February 2024 11:42 pm

‘William: Fighting in Gaza must be brought to an end’, bellows the Daily Telegraph‘s front page today, next to an…

Brianna Ghey’s murder is being weaponised – but not by Sunak

9 February 2024 2:16 am

We really have seen the worst of politics over the past 24 hours. I’m not referring to Rishi Sunak’s dig…

Of course the Clapham chemical attack is about asylum

5 February 2024 11:25 pm

The Clapham chemical attack is ‘not really about asylum’. An actual government minister said this. Not some junior scribe for…

What was the Clapham chemical attack suspect doing in Britain?

2 February 2024 10:08 pm

Here’s my question about Abdul Ezedi, the suspect in the Clapham chemical attack: what the hell was he doing in…

It’s not Palestinian blood that is cheap, Humza Yousaf

24 January 2024 2:21 am

Sometimes a politician says something that makes you wonder if they’re living on a different planet. This week it was…

The delusion of the Houthi pacifists

13 January 2024 2:08 am

I see ‘Not in my name’ is trending on social media. It’s in response to the US and UK strikes…

Joey Barton

The disgusting attempt to silence Joey Barton

11 January 2024 12:25 am

I have a question. What’s more ‘dangerous’ and ‘disgusting’ – a footballer sounding off on social media or a government…