Cambridge comes unstuck on Winnie the Pooh
Oh dear. Over the weekend, Cambridge University’s Twitter account celebrated the graduation of its most recent cohort with some pearls…
How to cancel someone
Cancel culture, I’m sure you’ve heard, is everywhere. Not a day goes by without some sorry sap being caught out…
Why the West should stop investing in China
The Prime Minister has called for an international coalition of free countries to oppose the growing influence of China’s authoritarian…
The EU's decline is self-inflicted
In 1991, at the height of the first Gulf War, the EU demonstrated to the world its divisions and helplessness,…
TikTok's fake news problem
Something troubling is happening on TikTok. The video sharing app is sometimes dismissed as a place where young people go…
Zoomers like me don't realise how lucky we are
For millennials like me, talkin’ ’bout our generation usually involves complaining. We Generation Zs – or zoomers – can’t seem…
Winchester University's Greta Thunberg statue is a shameless PR stunt
Winchester University’s decision to splash £24,000 on a life-sized statue of Greta Thunberg – who needless to say, has zero…
Why Gen-Z is turning its back on the BBC
Do 16-34 year olds still watch terrestrial TV? More importantly, will they still be watching in a year’s time when…
Is the United Kingdom still one nation?
Is Britain a nation? If you’re trying to maintain the United Kingdom — or destroy it for that matter —…
Nigel Farage is destroying his own legacy
How’s this for a terrible confession? There has always been a small part of me that admires Nigel Farage. As…
Salmond's comeback is a pitiful sight
When Alex Salmond lost his seat at the 2017 general election, he finished his concession speech with a quotation from…
France accuses Britain of vaccine 'blackmail'
In some ways you have to admire the sheer shamelessness of the French government. To spend the start of the…
Why does China think it can bully backbench MPs like me?
Does the Chinese Communist Party understand how our parliamentary democracy works? The evidence from the last 24 hours suggests not.…
Underestimate Joe Biden at your peril
Talk about mojo! It was a calm, genial and persuasive Joe Biden that appeared before the press yesterday afternoon, easily…
Prince Albert's royal reprimand to the Sussexes
Oh dear. While the various bombshells Harry and Megahn rained down on the House of Windsor n their Oprah Winfrey…
MPs facing Chinese sanctions deserve our solidarity
The sanctions that China is imposing on various politicians, academics and think tanks in the democratic world are designed to…
REVEALED: the Pentagon’s amazingly silly anti-Russia meme
After 20 years, a peak of 100,000 troops and trillions spent, the American military was unable to defeat the Taliban…
A tame press conference for a lame president
Just a sec. Let me check my notes. Ah, right. Hurgh. ‘My message to the American people is: help is…
Joe Biden’s presidency is a reality TV series in a care home
Joe Biden is the face of the United States. But Joe Biden no longer looks like Joe Biden. And he…
Greece and Britain’s long history of fighting autocracy
As I write, it is mid-morning in Athens and fighter jets are roaring overhead. My windows rattle, the sky splinters,…
Sturgeon's rush for a referendum could backfire
The Holyrood election campaign kicks off with Nicola Sturgeon buoyed by James Hamilton’s report concluding that she did not break…
Can Priti Patel’s asylum shake-up help Britain take back control?
Every Home Secretary is forced to confront the cold political realities of the office. What they set out to deliver…
Merkel's blundering lockdown U-turn
During her 16 years in office, Angela Merkel has produced a couple of memorable sentences that will be imprinted into…
New poll gives Brexit a shot in the arm
On New Years’ Eve former Labour minister Andrew Adonis grandly declared on Twitter: ‘The campaign for Britain to rejoin Europe starts…