
What happens when they’ve climbed the ladder?

The lessons of exam results season (and what to do about them)

29 August 2015 9:00 am

Every year without fail, as the trees start thinking about losing their leaves, the papers are full of the same…

How to help black boys afraid of ‘acting white’

22 August 2015 9:00 am

Black British boys are being held back by fear of betraying their background. Immigrant children know how to deal with that

Portrait of the week

4 July 2015 9:00 am

Home At least 30 British people were among 38 shot dead at a beach resort at Sousse in Tunisia by…

The best way to end the ‘poshness test’

20 June 2015 9:00 am

There’s a warning buried in the detail of the new report by the Social Mobility and Child Poverty Commission on…

Peter Oborne’s diary: My Pakistan cricket tour, and what the ‘no’ campaign needs

6 June 2015 9:00 am

For the first time since the terrorist attack on the Sri Lankan team six years ago, a Test match side…

Dear Mary: What to do when a dinner guest won’t turn and chat

30 May 2015 9:00 am

Q. I felt uncomfortable during a dinner for 20 in a private house. The young man on my left had…

Did Radio 4 have to deal with the Germanwings disaster as it did?

4 April 2015 9:00 am

‘You can hear pretty clearly the sound of one of the helicopters and you can see it in the darkness,’…

The Conservatives should be the party of immigrants — and here’s how they can be

21 March 2015 9:00 am

For a long while, the Conservatives have been puzzled about their lack of popularity among immigrants. In theory, the Conservative…

A lesson in bias on private schools

21 March 2015 9:00 am

What aid experts and academics don’t want to hear about private schools in developing countries

I’m working to make education fairer. But I’m still not sure what ‘fairer’ means

21 March 2015 9:00 am

Civitas has just published an interesting book called The Ins and Outs of Selective Secondary Schools. Edited by Anastasia de…

James McAvoy is wrong – the arts are better off without subsidy

14 March 2015 9:00 am

The season of cringe-making acceptance speeches at arts awards ceremonies is nearly over, thank heavens. But it hasn’t passed without…

The end of childhood - what we lost when we dropped the age of consent

14 March 2015 9:00 am

When the state excuses underage sex, what chance do our children have?

The teachers who (quietly) miss Michael Gove

14 March 2015 9:00 am

Meet the teachers who are (quietly) grateful to the former education secretary

Proof that the schools revolution isn’t over

7 February 2015 9:00 am

For those who assumed that the removal of Michael Gove as Education Secretary marked the end of the Conservatives’ scholastic…

Female bishops are very, very old news

31 January 2015 9:00 am

Female bishops The Reverend Libby Lane was ordained as Bishop of Stockport, the Church of England’s first female bishop. —…

The Tories have one real success in government – and they’re scared to talk about it

31 January 2015 9:00 am

Schools are the one area where this government has made a real, positive difference – but it’s scared stiff of saying so

Children’s radio was once at the core of the BBC - now it’s all but disappeared

13 December 2014 9:00 am

It was a bit of a surprise to hear Jarvis Cocker, the embodiment of cool and former frontman of Pulp,…

Nicky Morgan vs Socrates

29 November 2014 9:00 am

After the Philae space-lab’s triumph, one can see why Education Secretary Nicky Morgan should have hymned the ‘Stem’ subjects (science, technology, engineering…

If you want an argument against state-school-only Oxbridge colleges, just look at me

29 November 2014 9:00 am

I read with some interest the proposal for Oxford and Cambridge to set up state-school-only colleges in the Guardian this…

Richard Madeley’s diary: Forgetting Tom Conti’s name, and other harrowing experiences

22 November 2014 9:00 am

Oh God, it’s happened again. Another evening where I’m surrounded by people I know personally or have interviewed, and I…

Why there’s no such thing as an Etonian

11 October 2014 9:00 am

Finally, just in the last few years I’d say, we’ve all begun to accept the role of nature in the…

I believe in animal research. But it’s time to draw a line

16 August 2014 9:00 am

I believe in animal research. But is there really a justification for using animals in biology lessons?

How Wales was betrayed by its (Labour) government.

12 July 2014 9:00 am

Devolution has left my country with catastrophic misgovernment

Let's face it – Ray Honeyford got it right on Islam and education

5 July 2014 9:00 am

The Bradford head teacher was dismissed for emphasising nationality over religion. He should have been applauded

The Birmingham ‘Trojan Horse plot’ is — like WMD — a neocon fantasy

14 June 2014 9:00 am

I can remember where I was when Colin Powell presented to the United Nations his evidence for the existence of…