
We can't afford to let Isis run wild in Iraq

16 August 2014 9:00 am

The West can’t afford to give up on Iraq

The West isn't the solution in Iraq. It's the problem

16 August 2014 9:00 am

Hawks are mistaking military action for strategy

The new journalism: Vice leaves the rest of the West’s media standing

Scoops, snark and jihad – this is Vice News's war

16 August 2014 9:00 am

War can reshape the medium of television. The First Gulf War was a landmark moment in broadcasting: CNN had reporters…

A world crisis with no world leader

9 August 2014 9:00 am

No one wants to pay the price of speaking for the free world

The MH17 disaster

26 July 2014 9:00 am

Home David Cameron, the Prime Minister, told Parliament that President Vladimir Putin of Russia should end his country’s support for…

‘It’s jihad, innit, bruv’: meet the British Muslims going to fight in Syria

26 July 2014 9:00 am

Meeting the British Muslims who have joined the ‘Islamic State’


Portrait of the week

12 July 2014 9:00 am

Home Theresa May, the Home Secretary, ordered a review, taking perhaps ten weeks, by Peter Wanless, the head of the…

Portrait of the week

5 July 2014 9:00 am

Home David Cameron, the Prime Minister, rang Jean-Claude Juncker to congratulate him on being nominated by EU heads of government…

I like the look of this exciting new Islamic State. But why don’t they want Belgium?

5 July 2014 9:00 am

There is something attractive about almost the whole of southern Europe being part of an immense and somewhat rigorous caliphate,…

Saddam on money

Baghdad notebook: "Things were better in Saddam's time"

5 July 2014 9:00 am

In the passport queue at Baghdad airport, my heart sinks. This place vies with Cairo for the title of most…

After 100 years, the mess we made of the Middle East is coming full circle

28 June 2014 9:00 am

When I hear the words Sykes-Picot I more often than not feel like punching an Englishman or a Frog —…

The bloody battle for the name Isis

28 June 2014 9:00 am

‘This’ll make you laugh,’ said my husband, looking up from the Daily Telegraph. For once he was right. It was…

Welcome to the era of ISIS - and pop-up terror

21 June 2014 9:00 am

Jihadi groups like ISIS rarely manage to hold their ground – but that doesn’t mean they’re going away

How the Westminster hawk became an endangered species

21 June 2014 9:00 am

There is a slight whiff of the summer of 1914 to Westminster at the moment. The garden party season is…

Please, Cameron – no moral grandstanding over Iraq

21 June 2014 8:00 am

If there’s a bright spot in the murky mess of Iraq, it’s that finally we have a war that it…

The new Iraq war

14 June 2014 8:00 am

Seven weeks ago, Barack Obama proclaimed that ‘it’s time to turn the page on more than a decade of war’.…

Portrait of the week

18 January 2014 9:00 am

Home David Cameron, the Prime Minister, said that English local authorities would be allowed to receive all the business rates…

The one man who makes me hope for peace in Syria

18 January 2014 9:00 am

As Syria’s second peace conference looms, and we prepare ourselves for a lot of hot air drifting over from Geneva,…