Women and wealth: inheriting $3.2 trillion in the next decade
What a turnabout. Half a century ago feminism was all about celebrating women’s success. There was huge excitement about women’s…
Restoring the presumption of innocence
For a nation that used to pride itself on hosting festivals of ‘dangerous ideas’, there has certainly been a ridiculous…
Bureaucratic punishment
Michael* (not his real name) is a typical Aussie kid who grew up in Sydney’s beaches. Confident and cheerful, he…
Winning over young men
Message to the Libs. Don’t turn off the young men – they are your best hope of regaining power. There’s…
Men: locked up without trial
This is an experienced criminal lawyer talking about the men, the increasing proportion of our prison population, who find themselves…
Fighting academia’s feminist tentacles
As the toxic sludge of feminist claptrap seeps through the academic world, there are many principled researchers grinding their teeth…
‘Awaiting the tsunami’: the danger of coercive control laws
A few weeks ago, thousands took to the streets of Madrid to march on behalf of children’s rights, holding banners…
The tragic story of 2,500 empty shoes
Australia’s suicide prevention policies are failing. We are falling behind the rest of the world when it comes to suicide…
Parliament votes for more fatherless children
October 19 was a dark day in Australia’s social history after our Parliament voted for more fatherless children… Labor’s draconian…
False rape allegations aren’t so rare
Remember how the Brittany Higgins case blew up when a juror brought into the jury room an academic paper discussing…
Are university campus sexual assault statistics inflated?
In recent weeks, our proud Teal Independents have been busy showing their feminist credentials by supporting student activists seeking to…
The Woke art of debanking men
Earlier this month, Nigel Farage’s bank announced they were closing his accounts. The controversial UK politician had been with the bank for…
The elevation of women to male peaks
The crowd gathered in the open-air tourist bus were overwhelmed by the massive granite wall towering over us in the…
Women work harder than men – phooey!
‘Women work harder than men,’ so read a sexist headline for an article earlier this year. Hardly unusual, given that…
The coercive control con job
Tomorrow, when NSW Attorney General Mark Speakman visits early voting centres in his local electorate, he’ll be in for an…
A return to winner-takes-all custody battles
This week a television crew from the Japanese public broadcaster came to Sydney to interview family law specialist Justin Dowd,…
Feminism was never about equality
Man hating feminism? The question is whether there is any other kind. I used to think so. I started calling myself…
Mobiles in the dock
‘Why are the police withholding evidence?’ The young man’s cry of bewilderment is understandable. The PhD student came to Australia…
The power of many
It was 2014 when I first heard from Andrew, a young Queensland dad, who was being denied contact with his…
Is the feminist mafia controlling science funding?
Melbourne University research fellow Dr Anna Kosovac is a civil engineer and an expert in water policy. Last year she…
Brittany Higgins case finally over
Great news. The Brittany Higgins case is over. The ACT Director of Public Prosecutions, Shane Drumgold announced yesterday that the…
Boys’ clubs under siege
Why do so many women have it in for male cyclists? All the jokes about unsightly middle-aged men in Lycra,…
Russian cannon fodder
Never before has the world been so gripped with saving lives. We’ve survived Covid lockdowns imposed by governments claiming they’d…
Trashing men in the movies
It was never going to be my cup of tea. Here was a play proclaimed by a London reviewer as…
The domestic violence gravy train
Vimala, a retired Indian university lecturer, looked forward to spending time with her son, a Sydney-based doctor, his wife, and…