EXCLUSIVE: Forget Newspeak, meet Lovespeak
If you were still in any doubt as to George Orwell’s powers of prediction, then just consider this. The ANZ bank…
Will our new moral police ever stop harassing Israel Folau?
Israel Folau is no longer allowed to play sport in Australia—of every sporting code—and so he has been forced to…
Richard Dawkins, euthanasia and eugenics
Richard Dawkins is the gift that just keeps on giving. Well, at least for us religious types who believe in…
Jordan Peterson and how the left seek to destroy those it hates
Jordan Peterson, one of the world’s leading intellectuals and a twenty-first-century champion of academic truth has just passed through one of the most…
The Top 10 Tweets of 2019
Well, it’s been quite a year on social media. And true to form, the cesspool of human opinion that is…
Not all protestors are created equal
Labor leader Anthony Albanese tweeted his support for people’s democratic right to protest earlier this week. This is what it…
Ten reasons why climate catastrophists need to cool down
If we are to believe the hype, then human civilisation as we know it is on the brink of extinction.…
All about consent, without consent
While officials in Indonesia have been busy channelling their inner Turnbull in prosecuting sexual infidelity, The University of Technology Sydney…
Will Gladys reach full term?
The spill motion against the NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian was never going to succeed because the courageous Tanya Davies and…
NSW pollies, you can’t sit on the spire: you’re either pro-life or not
To use Mick Young’s mighty slogan from 1972, ‘It’s Time’. It’s time that all of the New South Wales parliamentarians…
Are abortion activists overstating the demand for terminations?
I recently went to see my local member — who also happens to be the NSW Opposition Leader, Jodi McKay…
Gladys and Alex: eugenics hip new friends
Many people are rightly outraged at just how extreme Alex Greenwich’s “Reproductive Rights Bill” is, which will soon be before…
EXCLUSIVE: Late term abortion – not as rare as the choice lobby want you to believe
Many proponents of the NSW ‘Reproductive Rights’ Bill—which allows abortion up until birth—are defending the legislation by saying that late-term…
Profiles in courage (not)
I can’t think of a more pathetic display of non-leadership than that of Premier Gladys Berejiklian and her Deputy John…
Gladys’ greyhound moment?
Pro-life politicians from the Liberals and Labor in New South Wales no doubt spent the weekend huddling over proposed amendments…
NSW bill includes late term abortion
The Bill currently being presented by Alex Greenwich this week in the NSW Parliament not only seeks to decriminalise abortion…
EXCLUSIVE: New NSW Liberal abortion push overrides checks and balances
New South Wales Liberals seem set to hide behind a left-wing independent to rush through a full decriminalisation of abortion,…
What’s Rugby Australia got to say on the Qur’an?
When Israel Folau is asked to swear on the Bible before he gives evidence in the High Court, will someone…
Britain’s Israel Folau wins his case
Like Australia’s Israel Folau, British student Felix Ngole, is a litmus test regarding freedom of religion, as well as freedom…
How the gender benders are coming for your favourite sport
The Australian Human Rights Commission has just released its Guidelines for the inclusion of transgender and gender diverse people in…
Israel and Maria Folau: first the PC police come for you, then they come for your family
Now that Israel Folau has had his contract with Rugby Australia torn up, it seems that his wife Maria’s future…
Would Microsoft also sack Israel Folau
With the sacking of Israel Folau by Rugby Australia, our culture has reached a tipping point in regards to all…
Ten more reasons Labor lost the unlosable election
Most people I speak to think that as a nation, we just dodged a bullet. And even those who voted…
The Israel Folau affair: Kafka – or John le Carré?
In the midst of the coalition’s ‘miraculous’ come from behind win at the federal election was the news that Israel…
Ten reasons Labor lost the unlosable election
Well, he did it. Bill Shorten snatched defeat right out of the jaws of victory. Which is all the more…