Immigration is a working class issue – and it needs representation
My dad was a union man. He was the secretary for the Plumbers Union Queensland, and I spent a good…
Labor’s six-figure student caps won’t solve a thing
Australia has 12 per cent of the world’s international students
Labor’s ‘soft’ student caps don’t go far enough
1 in every 37 people are foreign students
Agenda47 against decline: flying cars and Schedule F
What Trump's futurist policy agenda could teach Australia
How immigration will decide future elections
Are we heading towards a political, or even social, clash?
The real reason young people are leaving Sydney
When it comes to Sydney’s housing problem, Premier Chris Minns is full of, uh, ‘facts’. ‘We’re about the 830th densest…
Open letter to the Minister for Immigration
1 in 36 people in Australia today arrived last year. This is the largest migration intake in Australian history
Is multiculturalism failing?
In March 2022, Declan Cutler, a working-class 16-year-old, died after being stabbed over 50 times by a ‘gang of teenagers’ in…
Progressive elites won’t back down, they’ll double down
Pyrrhic Victory is a victory that ‘inflicts such a devastating toll on the victor that it is basically the same…
We need a voice on immigration: Conservatives must win this battle
‘Chase too many rabbits, you’ll catch none,’ as the old saying goes. The right in Australia will soon be putting…
Labor’s immigration hypocrisy: young and vulnerable hit hardest
Chris Minns – who lives in a house – seems to think you should live in an apartment, and the…
Australia has an immigration problem, and it’s tearing the country apart
‘The rental market right now is currently utterly f**ked,’ reads a post currently trending on r/Sydney, a Reddit board devoted to…
The Right will slay this Woke dystopia
Conservatives the world over are taking back power and restoring sanity, but where is Peter Dutton?
The lost art of nation-building
Australia has a shortage of thinking, not skills
Australia needs a vibe shift
America’s new right gives hope – and blueprints – to Australian conservatives
The big reason you can’t afford a home
Why are houses so ridiculously expensive in Australia? This, and other expletive-laden questions, I shouted at my screen while scrolling…
The working class revolution of common-sense
What we saw in Melbourne during the tradie riots was a supreme act of sound judgment. Only a fraternity of…
Quick!!! Lock everyone down immediately
[ Calm down, it’s satire. Well, mostly. ] Reports of yet another highly contagious viral respiratory disease are beginning to…