Reversing our economic decline is not easy, but it is simple
We are becoming poorer because we keep choosing to increase spending, taxes and debt, rather than incurring any short-term discomfort, argues Jon Moynihan
The audacity of Kwarteng's tax cut for the rich
George Osborne dreamed about it and Rishi Sunak told friends that he’d like to do it if everything went well…
Will the Tories cut taxes before the next election?
The Tory party has reached a fork in the road, I say in the Times today. One path involves sticking…
Rishi Sunak's low tax pitch to MPs
Is Rishi Sunak a low tax chancellor? He certainly likes to tell anyone who will listen that he is. Yet…
The internal logic of the NHS makes it ruthlessly cold-hearted
Gordon Brown, echoing Aneurin Bevan, says that the greatest gift that the NHS brings to people is ‘serenity’. He is…
The unforeseen dangers of Uber and Airbnb
In Silicon Valley, renting out is the new selling —and renting out stuff that belongs to other people can be…
The Green party manifesto is even crazier than you’ve heard
I’m disappointed that Ed Balls’s suggestion that the Office of Budget Responsibility should audit the parties’ manifestos was never taken…
Andrew Marr’s diary: Why this is such a tooth-grindingly awful election
So far, what an infuriating election campaign. We have the most extraordinary array of digital, paper and broadcasting media at…
Here’s what a real reform of business rates would look like
Of all the measures talked up ahead of the Budget, the reannouncement of a ‘radical’ review of the business rates…
Why are Scandinavians so happy when they should be so sad?
As I sit here in my Sarah Lund Fair Isle sweater, polishing my boxed sets of Borgen and nibbling on…
A windfall tax on monster basements could solve London’s housing problem
The mega-rich are best housed behind high fences, on wooded estates patrolled by dogs; that way, they don’t have to…
Welcome to Ryanair Britain
Local councils, banks, railway companies and the taxman have all learned the art of ‘pirate pricing’