Democratic primaries 2020
Iowa Democrats couldn’t have picked a worse time to mess up
What happened — or didn’t happen — in Iowa last night is unbelievably bad. It is an international embarrassment, one…
Void the Iowa caucus results
Perhaps the most annoying response to last night’s Iowa debacle are the haughty scolds from journalists and pundits chastising anyone…
Punch-drunk Biden gets a beating in the gym
Joe Biden once promised to take Donald Trump behind the gym and beat him up. Early results in the Democratic…
Chaos wins the Iowa caucus
Six months ago, you would have predicted a Joe Biden win in the Iowa caucuses. Four months ago, Pete Buttigieg…
Bernie devours Warren
Just four months ago, Elizabeth Warren seemed to poised to storm the Democratic nomination. In the first days of October,…
Is ‘Mini Mike’ a growing threat to Trump?
Should Bernie Sanders become the Democratic presidential nominee, expect the media to overuse these sprightly English expressions: ‘between a rock…
Bernie Sanders doesn’t want to win
Why is Bernie Sanders running for president? The 70-some-year-old pop culture curmudgeon has gone through all the motions of showing…
The sad death of the Femocrats
Their blazers are bright, but their futures are not. Elite women Democrats have faced a brutal reckoning over the past…
My evening with the Bernie Bros
The stench of beer and cheap deodorant filled the bar in which the ‘Bernie Bros’ were meeting. The scene looked…
In Iowa, Democrats tell farmers no new jobs until Greta Thunberg is happy
We were four minutes in, somewhere on the outskirts of Mideast foreign policy, when the boredom began to take hold.…
Warren’s dirty trick against Bernie proves she’s the new Hillary
The next time Elizabeth Warren offers you a beer, be sure not to turn your back on her lest she…
Bernie Sanders is back — and Donald Trump is delighted
Bernie Sanders’s presidential campaign looked listless back in October. Sure, the Vermont senator and 2016 Democratic party runner-up still had…
Progressives should now admit their outrage about ‘money in politics’ is confected
There’s a funny silence where the complaints about ‘money in politics’ used to be. The latest numbers on amounts spent…
How to lose votes and bore people
This article is in The Spectator’s January 2020 US edition. Subscribe here. If we can’t be governed, we may as well be…
Meow! Claws out for Mayor Pete at LA Democratic debate
It may be only the third time in American history the president has been impeached but it’s the first time…
Kamala Harris is not your vice president
Little over a week on from the sad demise of the Kamala Harris presidential campaign, the California senator is the…
Will Michael Bloomberg break double digits?
The big news on Monday this week was that latecomer billionaire presidential candidate Mike Bloomberg had ‘surged’ past Sen. Kamala…
Who likes Mike?
This article is in The Spectator’s December 2019 US edition. Subscribe here. It’s springtime for billionaires. Former New York mayor and media…
For some reason, Michael Bloomberg thinks he should be president
Who would you like to see better represented in the already-crowded Democratic primary? Septuagenarians? Centrists? Or billionaires? For those of…
Seven candidates who could save the Democrats in 2020
Has there ever been a more cack-handed, sloppy bunch of goons than these Democratic candidates? Ancient Joe Biden looks like…
Big Squaw E. Warren speaks with forked tongue
This article is in The Spectator’s November 2019 US edition. Subscribe here. Absent the appearance of a last-minute deus (or dea) ex…
Elizabeth Warren is the Hillary Clinton of 2020
This article is in The Spectator’s November 2019 US edition. Subscribe here. How did Elizabeth Warren, a left-wing populist, become the candidate…