
largely peaceful

The lunacy of the ‘largely peaceful protest’

28 July 2020 7:29 am

The great conundrum facing the anti-American left at the moment is how to react to the violent protest ripping up…

capitol hill autonomous zone

What’s it like in the Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone?

12 June 2020 9:10 am

Seattle Ah, Seattle, that environmentally obsessed city where all is decorous, the sidewalks immaculately swept, the parks rigorously trimmed, proverbial…


How do you enforce anarchy?

12 June 2020 1:48 am

I had an argument once, in a pub, with an anarchosyndicalist. We’d both been on the same protest march so…

How anarchy was responsible for Auschwitz

12 September 2015 9:00 am

In September 1939 Britain went to war against Germany, ostensibly in defence of Poland. One big secret that the British…