Spectator Australia Podcasts

America’s forever war, with Nick Bryant

25 July 2024 3:00 am

The American experiment is failing. Division, mistrust and misinformation are now the country’s defining characteristics. The storming of the Capitol,…

We’re all Soviets now, with Sir Niall Ferguson

18 July 2024 3:00 am

Sir Niall Ferguson is arguably the world’s greatest living historian. He first pointed out that we’re in Cold War II…

Lies my liberal teacher told me, with Wilfred Reilly

11 July 2024 3:00 am

Education was once the search for truth. Sadly, this is no longer the case in many universities across the Western…

Decoding the modern bloke, with Geoff Norcott

4 July 2024 3:00 am

It wasn’t so long ago that one phrase sat above any other in the hierarchy of endorsements for a British…

“Machines are the children of humanity” – Agnieszka Pilat

27 June 2024 3:00 am

It feels like AI can now write anything for us and create anything for us. In some respects it’s exciting,…

How the elites betrayed America’s working class, with Batya-Ungar Sargon

20 June 2024 3:00 am

There has long been a curious sub-genre in liberal journalism. It can best be described as “examining working class Americans…

Gay Shame, with Gareth Roberts

13 June 2024 3:00 am

Perhaps the most peculiar aspect of ‘Pride’ is how it has lumped together the gay population, with the most extreme…

Imagining nuclear armageddon, with Annie Jacobsen

6 June 2024 3:00 am

The world could end before you finish listening to this podcast. That’s the reality of a nuclear-armed world. If a…

A heretical conversation with Andrew Gold

30 May 2024 3:00 am

Heresy is defined as opinion profoundly at odds with what is generally accepted. It has rarely been more dangerous to…

The rebirth of the West, with Victor Davis Hanson

23 May 2024 3:00 am

In some respects, the West is exhibiting similar symptoms to past civilizations that decayed, declined, or were completely wiped off…

The real reason for African poverty, with Magatte Wade

16 May 2024 3:00 am

Why is Africa poor? There’s a series of trendy answers to that question, that are almost taken as read amongst…

Fighting cultural socialism, with Eric Kaufmann

9 May 2024 3:00 am

Across the western world, cosplay protests are ongoing in some of the most elite academic institutions. They point to a…

Conservatism is gratitude, with Jonah Goldberg

2 May 2024 3:00 am

Western liberal democratic capitalism has created more prosperity, and enabled more human flourishing, than any other social system. It is…

Debunking Australia’s housing crisis myth, with Cameron Murray

25 April 2024 3:00 am

There’s a common refrain when it comes to housing in Australia today: ‘it’s never been harder to enter the housing…

In defense of journalism, with Anthony De Ceglie

18 April 2024 3:00 am

It’s easy to forget that journalists were once invested with immense trust by citizens. This is no longer the case.…

“Gen Z is the most conservative generation since WW2” – Isabel Brown

11 April 2024 3:00 am

Gen Z has developed quite a reputation. Lazy. Difficult to work with. Technology-addicted. And of course, insufferably woke. What if…

The short march through the institutions, with Yascha Mounk

4 April 2024 3:00 am

Sometimes it feels like the tidal wave of ‘wokeness’ (or identity politics) washed over the western world almost overnight. It…

Tales of a Hollywood dissident, with Matthew Marsden

28 March 2024 3:00 am

Politics is downstream from culture. To change politics, one must first change culture. The left intrinsically understands this in a…

The real State of the Union, with Charles C.W. Cooke

21 March 2024 3:00 am

There are two ways to look at American politics in 2024. There’s the prevailing pessimistic view. Many people think democracy…

In conversation with Douglas Murray

14 March 2024 3:00 am

It is now in vogue to celebrate non-Western cultures and disparage Western ones. Many well-meaning people have been fooled by…

Lessons for the silenced majority, with Katherine Brodsky

7 March 2024 3:00 am

We as a society are self-censoring at record rates. Say the wrong thing at the wrong moment to the wrong…

“The Teals are an existential threat to the Liberals” – Joe Hildebrand

29 February 2024 3:00 am

Australia is facing serious domestic and international challenges, all at a time when the political class has arguably never been…

“It’s the culture, stupid” – Matt Goodwin

22 February 2024 3:00 am

Bill Clinton’s strategist James Carville memorably said, “It’s the economy, stupid”. Times have changed. The great political battles of our…

“Reality is now subject to ideology” – Lionel Shriver

15 February 2024 3:00 am

Journalist. Contrarian. Iconoclast. Intellectual. Provocateur… And one of the most successful novelists of the 21st century. Lionel Shriver has, in…

Why you don’t have free will, with Brian Klaas

8 February 2024 3:00 am

We all comfort ourselves by believing in cause and effect. According to Dr Brian Klaas, we wilfully ignore a bewildering…