What is the anti-Israel Eurovision protest really about?
A young Israeli woman warned to stay in her hotel room. A baying mob on the streets outside hollering slogans…
The truth about Israel’s ‘friendly fire’
David Cameron has got some front. The Foreign Secretary is haranguing Israel over its tragic unintentional killing of seven aid…
The hounding of Kate was a new low for Britain
Shame on the ghouls who spread lies and rumours about the Princess of Wales. And the idiot conspiracy theorists who…
How was the puberty blocking scandal ever allowed to happen?
Remember when Irish singer Róisín Murphy was set upon by the mob last year? Her crime: she criticised puberty blockers…
Leave Kate Middleton alone
Well done everyone for ruining Mother’s Day for the Princess of Wales. I hope you’re proud of yourselves. A young-ish…
The disgusting defacement of Lord Balfour’s painting
There’s a new movement in town: Philistines for Palestine. Not content with traipsing through the streets every other weekend to…
Who could object to a Muslim war memorial?
I don’t understand right-wingers who spend most of their time on the internet. Often they’re found tut-tutting over what they…
Prince William should keep quiet about Gaza
‘William: Fighting in Gaza must be brought to an end’, bellows the Daily Telegraph‘s front page today, next to an…
Brianna Ghey’s murder is being weaponised – but not by Sunak
We really have seen the worst of politics over the past 24 hours. I’m not referring to Rishi Sunak’s dig…
Of course the Clapham chemical attack is about asylum
The Clapham chemical attack is ‘not really about asylum’. An actual government minister said this. Not some junior scribe for…
What was the Clapham chemical attack suspect doing in Britain?
Here’s my question about Abdul Ezedi, the suspect in the Clapham chemical attack: what the hell was he doing in…
It’s not Palestinian blood that is cheap, Humza Yousaf
Sometimes a politician says something that makes you wonder if they’re living on a different planet. This week it was…
The delusion of the Houthi pacifists
I see ‘Not in my name’ is trending on social media. It’s in response to the US and UK strikes…
The disgusting attempt to silence Joey Barton
I have a question. What’s more ‘dangerous’ and ‘disgusting’ – a footballer sounding off on social media or a government…
Harvard’s Claudine Gay isn’t a victim of racism
A month ago, Claudine Gay of Harvard University was obsessed with putting things into context. Asked at that now infamous…
Why don’t anti-racists care about anti-Semitism?
Where have all the anti-racists gone? You couldn’t move for anti-racists in recent years. They thundered from their newspaper pulpits…
Is identity politics to blame for the rise of anti-Semitism?
Anti-Semitism is surging among the young. It is now positively hip to view Jews as ‘problematic’. Consider the recent Harvard/Harris…
Why can’t some Londoners tolerate posters of kidnapped Israelis?
What is it about those images of Israelis kidnapped by Hamas that so infuriates certain sections of the public? Since…
The chilling link between anti-Zionism and anti-Semitism
Isn’t it remarkable how similar anti-Zionism is to anti-Semitism? The latest proof of an intimate link between these two ideologies…
What Palestine supporters could learn from the anti-Semitism march
Imagine having to be reminded not to be racist. Imagine if officialdom itself felt it necessary to whisper in your…
Will Zarah Sultana quit Labour if it is ‘institutionally racist’?
Anyone who’s ever had a conversation with a Corbynista will know it’s impossible to talk to these people about anti-Semitism.…
Jess Phillips and the shame of Labour’s ceasefire rebels
I can’t decide if last night’s Labour revolt was an act of pointless narcissism or sinister appeasement. Maybe it was…
The real far-right threat
There was a horrendous far-right gathering in London yesterday. Racist cries cut through the air like a knife. One attendee…
When will those ‘marching for Palestine’ do the right thing?
Those of us who believe in freedom of expression have felt mighty lonely this week. We have watched as, one…
Why won’t Gary Lineker call out the fascism of Hamas?
One of the most curious things following Hamas’s massacre of the Jews on 7 October was the silence of Britain’s…