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Flat White

No feminist fanfare for Meloni

1 October 2022

8:00 AM

1 October 2022

8:00 AM

Italy has a new Prime Minister. For the first time in its history, the Italian people have elected a female leader in Giorgia Meloni.

You would think that progressives and those who call themselves ‘feminists’ would be rejoicing – making a fanfare about how inspiring it is to see a woman as Prime Minister.

Just imagine the expected commentary:

‘A woman has been elected leader! Italy has voted against the patriarchy!’

Or something along those lines…

No. There are no celebrations amongst the ‘progressive’ Left or the so-called ‘feminists’ of our world. Only contempt.

But why? What did Meloni do that has already upset the collective gaggle of raging Lefties?

Oh, right, she expressed Conservative values – or, as many on the sensible side of politics call it, common sense. And we all know how much the establishment despises common sense.

The Left would have you believe that Meloni is some far-right fascist who wants to upend society and oppress minorities or something. But this could not be further from the truth.

Meloni recently gave a speech that I think sums up perfectly why the establishment hates her so much. This is what she said:

Why is the family an enemy? Why is the family so frightening? There is a single answer to all these questions. Because it defines us. Because it is our identity. Because everything that defines us is now an enemy for those who would like us to no longer have an identity and to simply be perfect consumer slaves. And so they attack national identity, they attack religious identity, they attack gender identity, they attack family identity. 

‘I can’t define myself as Italian, Christian, woman, mother. No. I must be citizen x, gender x, parent 1, parent 2. I must be a number. Because when I am only a number, when I no longer have an identity or roots, then I will be the perfect slave at the mercy of financial speculators. The perfect consumer.

‘That’s why we inspire so much fear. That’s why this event inspires so much fear. Because we do not want to be numbers. We will defend the value of the human being. Every single human being. Because each of us has a unique genetic code that is unrepeatable. And like it or not, that is sacred. We will defend it. We will defend God, country and family. Those things that disgust people so much. We will do it to defend our freedom because we will never be slaves and simple consumers at the mercy of financial speculators. This is our mission.

‘Chesterton wrote “Fires will be kindled to testify that two and two make four. Swords will be drawn to prove that leaves are green in summer.” That time has arrived.’

Brilliant, isn’t it? She stands for everything they despise. 

Meloni sees the value in the family unit, how that unit gives us an identity, and how it makes us part of something special. We are sons and daughters, mothers and fathers, sisters and brothers. The family unit is compact. It allows us to thrive, go out into the world, and make a difference. It is where we begin our lives, and it supports us throughout them. And it is what the establishment has sought to destroy. 

She sees the importance of identity, be it our nationality, our religion, our place in the family, or our sex. Meloni stresses how important this is to our being and to our place in the world. She attests to how degenerative other ideologies are, how they seek to stamp out this sense of identity by making it almost criminal to take pride in your nationality, to be religious, to have a family, to be a man or woman. They seek to make us inhuman, to reduce us to a number, a thing, just another digit in the global system.

And, quite rightly, Meloni points out that this is why the establishment hates us and despises her. None of us want to be just another faceless person in the system. We don’t want to just be mindless drones, doing whatever the globalist elites of the world want us to do, living the way they want us to live. 

Each one of us wants to be our own individual person. Each one of us wants to have our own identity, to live in our own way, and to live in a free society. 

And this is what Giorgia Meloni aspires to, what she says she will defend – the innate value of every human being. We are all unique, and this is something that she seeks to protect. She wants to protect freedom of speech. She wants to protect religious freedom. She wants to enable the citizens of a nation to be patriotic, to express their love for their country. And, importantly, she wants to protect the family unit, arguably the source of a society’s strength.

She knows that there are certain governmental bodies and organisations that seek to dismantle society and rebuild it in their own warped image, powerful people who want human beings to be nothing more than consumer-oriented government slaves. We all know by now who these bodies are. They are the United Nations, the European Union, and, of course, the one which all the others revolve around – the World Economic Forum. They are comprised of unelected elitist bureaucrats who couldn’t care less about the innate value of a human being.

These organisations are already working to try to smear her. They will no doubt be looking for ways to discredit her and completely ruin her politically. There are already comparisons being made between her and Mussolini, which is completely unsurprising. And she is already being labelled ‘far-right’ and a ‘fascist’. But these days, ‘far-right’ basically just means someone who values fundamental human rights and freedoms for all people, not just those who share their views. 

The mainstream media are also on the attack, launching what can only be described as a smear campaign. Outlets like The GuardianAl Jazeera, SBS, and the BBC have already lamented at the ‘far-right’ winning the election. And an article published by The Conversation read Giorgia Meloni and the return of fascism: how Italy got here

There have even been claims made that Meloni is sympathetic to Russia. This is just not true. In fact, her party, Fratelli d’Italia (Brothers of Italy) is a Conservative and Atlanticist party, a party that is part of the Group of Conservatives and Reformists (ECR). Eight parties in the ECR are highly critical of Russia, one of them being Fratelli d’Italia, which Meloni leads. Her party has also voted against Russia the most times, while their counterpart, the Democratic Party, were the most pro-Russian party. Giorgia Meloni has also expressed her disgust at Russia’s attack on Ukraine. You can read more about this here.

These organisations and their lackeys will undoubtedly continue to work to undermine Meloni and what she stands for. Because they seek to destroy the fundamental building blocks of a free and democratic society. 

And, ironically, the so-called ‘feminists’ will continue to degrade her. This is despite her saying that she wants people to be able to define themselves as a woman, as a mother. The modern feminism that you see nowadays – that monstrosity that is not truly supportive of women – is a far cry from the original feminism of decades past. 

But while the feminists fail to rejoice at the election of a woman in Italy, the rest of us on the sane side of society will continue on with the hope that Meloni is what she claims to be. We have been disappointed time and time again by empty promises of people who were supposed to be bastions of free speech and a free society, but we need to at least give her a chance to prove herself. 

And if the pattern that is emerging, first in Sweden and now in Italy, is anything to go by, the tides may just be turning, and the world may be headed back onto the right path. 

Joel Agius is an independent writer. If you would like to read more of his work, you can do so at JJ’s Outlook or keep up to date with his musings on Twitter.

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