Madame bovary

Gemma Arterton as Gemma Bovery, the male sexual fantasy made flesh, and Fabrice Luchini as Joubert

Gemma Bovery does not work as a film in any way whatsoever

22 August 2015 9:00 am

Gemma Bovery is a modern-day refashioning of Gustave Flaubert’s literary masterpiece Madame Bovary, and while such refashionings can work well…

‘Combs, Hair Highway’, 2014, by Studio Swine

Luxury isn’t the opposite of poverty but the opposite of vulgarity - but don’t tell the V&A

25 April 2015 9:00 am

Different concepts of luxury may be inferred from a comparison of the wedding feast of Charles Bovary and Emma Rouault…

Reading one book from every country in the world sounds like fun - until you come to North Korea

28 February 2015 9:00 am

One day in 2011, while perusing her bookshelves, Ann Morgan realised her reading habits were (to her surprise) somewhat parochial.…