Stephen Daisley

China is right to laugh at the west

10 December 2021 6:54 am

Signs of the enervating weakness of the west’s governing elites aren’t that hard to find but the case of the…

Priti Patel and the progressive language police

26 November 2021 7:10 pm

There was an exchange in the House of Commons on Thursday afternoon that ought to be a scandal but won’t.…

Kyle Rittenhouse and the collapse of media neutrality

25 November 2021 10:59 pm

Anyone who thought the jury’s verdict in the Kyle Rittenhouse case might prompt some reflection among the political and media…

Why aren't we more horrified by the Liverpool bombing?

16 November 2021 6:12 am

Back when the West was still pretending to fight the ‘war on terror’, Martin Amis made an observation about the…

It's time for Boris to turn back the Channel migrant boats

12 November 2021 9:23 pm

There is a sentence in the latest BBC report on English Channel migrant crossings that is just exquisite. Thursday saw…

As COP26 looms, Glasgow is facing a waste crisis

12 October 2021 1:33 pm

In early November, Glasgow will be the focus of the world’s attention for COP26, the UN’s Climate Change Conference. For…

Why Boris is losing his fight against Sturgeon

5 October 2021 5:38 pm

Gavin Barwell has made a good point, albeit inadvertently. Theresa May’s former chief of staff has a book out, imaginatively…

Blue-collar Toryism comes to Scotland

4 October 2021 5:50 am

Like all good fables, Douglas Ross’s speech at Tory conference had a beginning, middle and end. Act One detailed the…

As COP26 looms, Glasgow is facing a waste crisis

2 October 2021 9:00 am

With COP26 weeks away, the city is in the middle of a waste crisis

Labour is still overrun with anti-Israel cranks

28 September 2021 3:45 pm

As unhinged Labour conference motions go, the party’s anti-Aukus resolution will likely capture the headlines. The text describes the new…

Calling Tories ‘scum’ is part of Angela Rayner’s leadership pitch

26 September 2021 11:29 pm

The chair of this year’s Labour Party conference, Margaret Beckett opened proceedings yesterday emphasising the importance of civility. A few…

Australia and the new special relationship

18 September 2021 8:56 am

The awkwardly-named AUKUS agreement reflects Washington’s escalating concern about China’s dominance in the Indo-Pacific. It signals London’s determination to be…

Can doctors be 'neutral' on assisted dying?

16 September 2021 1:05 am

The British Medical Association (BMA) has dropped its opposition to assisted dying after a landmark vote. In doing so, it…

From Neil to Nigel: the descent of GB News

14 September 2021 10:07 pm

I can’t claim to know any behind-the-scenes rivalries or boardroom brouhaha motivating Andrew Neil’s departure from GB News but I…

The blind spot in the SNP's 'war on drink'

19 August 2021 3:30 pm

Scotland’s grim reputation for abnormally high drug fatalities has become embedded in the public consciousness over the past year. The…

Why are Labour politicians siding with Ken Loach?

17 August 2021 3:31 am

Richard Leonard, former leader of the Scottish Labour party, has posted a photograph of himself standing beside Ken Loach on…

How do we stop the next David Cameron?

13 August 2021 6:14 am

One of the enduring charms of British politics is how slight the pecuniary rewards are for taking up the job…

Can Cole-Hamilton prevent the death of the Scottish Lib Dems?

29 July 2021 1:03 am

As expected, Alex Cole-Hamilton has put himself forward to lead the Scottish Lib Dems, announcing his candidacy with an obligatory…

Boris could make devolution reform his legacy – if he has the ambition

25 July 2021 2:27 am

Today marks two years since Boris Johnson accepted Her Majesty’s invitation to serve as her fourteenth Prime Minister. His tenure…

Kicking out the cranks won't save Labour

20 July 2021 3:30 pm

There is a problem with Sir Keir Starmer’s reported plan to expel 1,000 Labour members associated with ‘poisonous’ groups, and…

Revealed: The SNP strategy for a second independence vote

17 July 2021 4:35 am

A new leaflet from the SNP says another referendum on independence is ‘an issue of basic democracy’ and that Boris…

Who can make the Scottish Lib Dems great again?

13 July 2021 8:32 pm

Willie Rennie’s resignation — announced, as only he could, via a self-shot video while climbing Benarty Hill in western Fife…

Did the SNP cover up a cancer crisis?

26 June 2021 2:41 am

The news that a Scottish woman died from cancer after being among more than 400 wrongly told they did not…

Ever weaker Union: The Tories lack a constitutional theory

25 June 2021 12:10 am

No doubt Michael Gove is satisfied with how his latest comments on Scottish independence have gone down. The Chancellor of…

Labour's worrying descent into communalism

23 June 2021 12:26 am

Labour’s candidate in Batley and Spen, Kim Leadbeater, reportedly pulled out of a hustings featuring George Galloway over the weekend.…