Stephen Daisley

The legal battle over how Scots define 'woman'

29 August 2020 2:05 am

The law on gender is a mess and could either be about to get much clearer or messier still. The…

It's time for Boris to back Israel

26 August 2020 4:49 pm

Dominic Raab has visited Israel for his first trip as Foreign Secretary. By all accounts, he was made very welcome,…

Scots poll in favour of free expression

23 August 2020 6:00 pm

The SNP’s determination to push on with its draconian Hate Crime Bill has put it on the wrong side of…

Scotland's Hate Crime Bill would have a chilling effect on free speech

22 August 2020 9:40 pm

Among the encroachments on Milton’s three supreme liberties contained in Humza Yousaf’s Hate Crime Bill is a cloturing of the…

Have Arab nations forgotten about Palestine by accepting Israel?

20 August 2020 3:21 am

The Palestinians are entering one of the most precarious periods in their nation’s history. The normalisation of relations between Israel…

The rise of Scotland's Covid nationalism

19 August 2020 2:40 am

Whenever some London celebrity with a hamster’s grasp of Scottish politics simpers about moving north to escape the flaxen-fringed Franco…

The joyous Israel-UAE peace deal

14 August 2020 4:41 pm

There is a time for war and a time for peace, Ecclesiastes tells us. Joyously, in the middle of a…

The case for a new Act of Union

12 August 2020 11:03 pm

Scexit, not Brexit, will be the word that defines Boris Johnson’s premiership. The Times has a new poll from YouGov…

Can Douglas Ross stop Scexit?

6 August 2020 8:43 pm

Douglas Ross is the new leader of the Scottish Conservatives and since his predecessor lasted all of 167 days, best…

Why 'progressives' love to hate Rosie Duffield

4 August 2020 8:57 pm

There can be a hallucinatory quality to the progressive mind, a tendency to see enemies in allies and demons in…

Is Scotland changing the law on gender by stealth?

1 August 2020 4:50 am

It’s not often that feminists threaten legal action over plans to increase women’s representation on public boards, so the Scottish…

Jackson Carlaw’s successor and the fight to save the Union

31 July 2020 6:40 am

The Scottish Conservatives are now in crisis. Jackson Carlaw has resigned six months into his leadership and less than a…

Network Rail’s cowardly JK Rowling decision

31 July 2020 12:52 am

I  ❤ JK Rowling. There, now I’m a hate-monger, too. A digital advert reading just that — ‘I ❤ JK…

olivia de havilland

Olivia de Havilland’s Red Scare

28 July 2020 11:26 pm

Olivia de Havilland, who has died aged 104, will forever be remembered for the role of Melanie Hamilton in Gone…

Why Putin wants Scottish independence

22 July 2020 7:12 pm

The Russia report was supposed to prove once and for all that the Kremlin rigged the EU referendum, Boris Johnson…

The West failed to stop the Holocaust – now we're failing the Uyghurs

21 July 2020 7:21 pm

In 1944, Slovak rabbi Michael Dov Weissmandl sent the US government a 30-page report detailing an extermination facility in Poland…

The continued existence of the United Kingdom is now at stake

20 July 2020 4:30 pm

When they come to write the history of the Union’s demise, there will be three guilty men. Tony Blair was…

Aussie Life

17 July 2020 11:00 pm

Jordan Shanks is not your average lefty. This unusual Australian YouTuber, who goes by the name of FriendlyJordies, disdains such…

Will the BBC become a victim of its own bias?

11 July 2020 7:32 pm

The BBC is losing me. It’s a sudden estrangement and an unwelcome one but I can’t seem to shake it…

Boris doesn't understand the Union

2 July 2020 5:50 am

Boris Johnson’s statement that ‘there is no such thing as a border between England and Scotland’ is born of ignorance…

Boris's 'New Deal' is nothing of the sort

1 July 2020 4:41 pm

The best thing I can say about Boris Johnson is that he’s not a real Tory. The Prime Minister belongs…

The rise of coercive progressivism

28 June 2020 5:36 pm

What has followed the killing of George Floyd did not begin with the death of a man under the knee…

Conservatives – corporations are not your friend

13 June 2020 6:47 pm

Amazon is suspending police use of its face-recognition software, HBO Max has pulled Gone With the Wind and Paramount Network…

Mob justice is no justice

8 June 2020 9:51 pm

It doesn’t matter how good your intentions are, it’s your process that counts. The push to topple a statue of…

What Bibi wants to do in the West Bank is not annexation

7 June 2020 5:01 pm

Fifty-three years ago today, Israel was fighting for its survival. In a larger sense, that doesn’t make it all that…