Stephen Daisley

Scottish Tories must be more than the angry party of no

16 March 2021 8:03 am

Among the many challenges facing Scottish Tory leader Douglas Ross has been the question of definition. It is difficult to…

Will Boris Johnson take responsibility for the Union?

15 March 2021 6:00 pm

Even for a virtual party conference, Boris Johnson’s speech to the Scottish Tories was a muted affair. As might be…

Ruth Davidson’s exit reveals Scottish Tories’ independence secret

14 March 2021 5:23 am

Ruth Davidson has used her final speech to the Scottish Conservative conference to appeal to pro-Union voters. In a video…

Nicola Sturgeon is fighting for her political life

3 March 2021 7:32 am

The Alex Salmond inquiry has seen its most remarkable day yet. Three pivotal documents have been released to the Holyrood…

The ICC is playing politics by targeting Israel

9 February 2021 4:31 am

Sovereignty, that old-new friend, is in vogue again thanks to Brexit and the advances made by nationalists across Europe and…

The case for liberal pessimism

17 January 2021 9:27 pm

Liberalism hasn’t had its sorrows to seek of late but its misfortunes show no sign of abating. The confluence of…

In defence of 2020

1 January 2021 2:43 am

In what I am trying to turn into a tradition, I usually take time at the end of the year…

The limits of trans tolerance

19 December 2020 6:27 am

Andy Wightman is — or, as of this afternoon, was — the most independent-minded Green member of the Scottish parliament.…

france american progressives

French republicanism confounds American progressives

29 November 2020 12:42 am

Can an entire country sue for libel? If so, France would have a strong suit against swathes of the American…

Keir Starmer should purge Labour of the far-left

23 November 2020 2:57 am

Sir Keir Starmer was having such a good year. He broke cover early on to attack the government’s handling of…

Boris was right: Scottish devolution has been a disaster

17 November 2020 6:00 pm

Boris Johnson says devolution has been a ‘disaster’. This has the rare quality for a Boris statement of being true…

Why Democrats should abandon coercive progressivism

5 November 2020 4:57 am

The first rule of Pundit Club is: election results always mean what your political prejudices want them to mean. Since…

Scottish devolution has been tested to destruction

23 October 2020 5:55 pm

The Scottish Tories are decidedly unenthusiastic about suggestions Westminster devolve further powers to the Scottish Parliament. A proposal to stave…

Devolutionary theory: How Westminster is killing the Union

21 October 2020 4:25 pm

Robert Conquest’s third law (which may not have been his third law) says that the behaviour of any bureaucratic organisation is…

The SNP, trans rights and the war on women

17 October 2020 5:45 pm

For a while, it seemed as though Scotland was taking the lead on challenging the new gender orthodoxy. Despite all…

The Lib Dems' transphobia meltdown is complete

20 September 2020 10:59 pm

The trouble with women is that they have opinions and not necessarily the correct ones. Some even have the audacity…

The 'Notorious RBG' and her triumph over tribalism

20 September 2020 1:16 am

Ruth the Moabite is the only Biblical figure to merit the description ‘eshet chayil’ – ‘a woman of valour’. One…

Donald Trump: defender of liberalism

18 September 2020 7:33 pm

Some things are right even if Donald Trump believes them. The President’s Constitution Day speech was a doughty defence of…

The Internal Market Bill isn't radical enough

17 September 2020 4:20 pm

The more the SNP decries the Internal Market Bill, the more I warm to it. Initially, I considered it sensible…


Does Trump deserve a Nobel Peace Prize?

14 September 2020 10:57 pm

Should Donald Trump be awarded the Nobel Peace Prize? So far the President has notched up two nominations in a…

Israel is a true ally – it's time Boris remembered that

9 September 2020 10:06 pm

Boris Johnson has described himself as ‘a passionate defender of Israel’ and, what’s more, ‘a life-long friend, admirer and supporter…

How the Tories can stop the SNP's hate crime bill

8 September 2020 6:08 pm

Free speech concerns about the SNP’s Hate Crime Bill have been mounting for months now, so it was inevitable that…

Keir Starmer’s hypocritical attack on Tony Abbott

4 September 2020 9:07 pm

One of the most impressive qualities of Sir Keir Starmer’s leadership so far has been his ability to land blows…

Could Scotland's hate crime bill make depictions of Mohammed illegal?

4 September 2020 4:00 pm

Charlie Hebdo’s decision to republish the Mohammed cartoons has the media a-fretting. Al-Jazeera called the illustrations ‘offensive’. The Daily Telegraph…

Scexit has become a matter of faith, not fact

30 August 2020 3:28 am

There is a satirical flowchart that sums up Scottish nationalism better than a thousand articles. It begins with the question:…