Ross Clark

Sunak is right to push ahead with new North Sea oil licenses

7 November 2023 8:51 pm

The green lobby has found another way of attacking the government for giving the go-ahead for new oil and gas…

Will Rishi Sunak’s electric car targets backfire?

6 November 2023 11:18 pm

Rishi Sunak was attacked by the green lobby for delaying the outright ban on new petrol and diesel cars from…

Did lockdown need to be the law?

4 November 2023 11:01 am

At times, the Covid public inquiry has had the appearance of a show trial – one that starts with the…

What’s stopping a housing crash?

1 November 2023 8:57 pm

Should we really believe that house prices rose by 0.9 per cent in September, as claimed by the latest release…

How Rishi Sunak can finally win over ‘generation rent’

31 October 2023 12:44 am

‘We’ve had 30 years of vested interests standing in the way of change,’ Rishi Sunak declared in his conference speech…

Let’s do away with EPC ratings

27 October 2023 9:59 pm

The Autumn Statement could propose offering discounts in stamp duty for homebuyers who take improvement to raise the Energy Performance…

The weather isn’t to blame for Britons shopping less

20 October 2023 11:28 pm

It was the weather wot did it, wot stopped us spending in the shops. Yet again, the favourite old excuse…

The Treasury should stop paying attention to the OBR

20 October 2023 2:40 am

A year ago Liz Truss’ brief government collapsed when markets lost confidence in Kwasi Kwarteng’s mini-Budget. A large part of the…

Why has there still not been a housing crash?

18 October 2023 11:22 pm

Not for the first time, a widely-predicted – and for many frustrated buyers, hoped-for – house price crash has failed…

Neil Ferguson wasn’t a lockdown fanatic

18 October 2023 5:25 am

Is the Covid inquiry running out of steam? Today, it saw one of Covid’s biggest stars take the ‘witness stand’:…

Calm down about bedbugs

18 October 2023 12:52 am

Matt Hancock, don’t retire just yet – we may need you back. There’s a new terror spreading across Britain –…

How has Britain avoided a recession?

17 October 2023 3:54 am

For the past 18 months, the UK economy has been stuck in the purgatory of an eternally predicted but non-arriving…

Bill Gates has made a surprisingly good point about net zero

13 October 2023 9:23 pm

Is Bill Gates a sage figure who can help save the world from climate change? Or is he a dreadful…

Britain’s sluggish growth is nothing to celebrate

12 October 2023 9:01 pm

So, the doomsters have been proved wrong again – not least the Bank of England, which a year ago forecast…

Do social housing residents really age slower?

12 October 2023 4:47 am

Great news. Living in a damp home can help you live longer. Admittedly, I am not all that convinced, but…

Starmer’s house-building plan could prove a hit with young voters

10 October 2023 11:52 pm

The biggest hinderance for the Conservatives is that they have nothing to offer young voters. The Labour party, however, just might.…

High interest rates aren’t the only reason for the house price slump

7 October 2023 3:18 am

To no-one’s surprise, house prices fell again last month. Average prices were down by 0.4 per cent in September, according to…

The Pope has gone full Greta Thunberg

5 October 2023 11:27 pm

At last, the Pope is being taken seriously when he warns of moral degeneracy – well, sort of. When Popes have…

Did the iPhone kill Britain’s productivity?

30 September 2023 10:00 am

In the year 2007 Gordon Brown became prime minister, Northern Rock went bust and the iPhone was introduced. But something…

The UK’s GDP is proving Remainers wrong

29 September 2023 8:08 pm

You can almost sense the agonising among hardcore remainers, the howls of anguish. The Office for National Statistics (ONS) has…

Has the true cost of net zero finally been revealed?

28 September 2023 8:50 pm

When the Commons nodded through Britain’s legally-binding net zero target in 2019 all MPs had to go on was the…

Net zero zealots will probably find a way to stop Rosebank

28 September 2023 1:26 am

So, Rosebank is to go ahead, or so we think. The North Sea Transition Authority has granted a licence for…

Will Ulez spell the end for Sadiq Khan?

27 September 2023 7:58 pm

Sadiq Khan showed little sign of being discomfited by the result of the Uxbridge by-election in July. In spite of…

Is it foolish to think the world can achieve net zero by 2050?

26 September 2023 8:47 pm

Most discussion of net zero in Britain seems strangely parochial. We only really talk about UK emissions, even though they…

Spurious equal pay claims are a disaster for local councils

26 September 2023 4:00 pm

Bankrupt councils have gotten into trouble through profligate spending on loony projects like month-long Pride events and training staff in…