Forget moving the Lords – lets have an elected senate instead
In two weeks’ time, we will finally escape the European Union, freeing ourselves from its monumental waste. Waste, that is,…
David Attenborough is making the same mistake as Greta Thunberg
It wasn’t so long ago that Sir David Attenborough came across as a calm voice of reason. His much-admired documentaries…
There’s a long way to go before Trump can declare victory in his trade war
There is no shortage of quotes by Donald Trump that his opponents have tried to use against him — few…
What Meghan’s new fans like to ignore
What would it take to convert Afua Hirsch to the cause of capitalism? We now know the answer because the…
Could this be the beginning of the end for Iran’s mullahs?
It is easy to construct a scenario in which tit for tat actions by the Americans and Iranians lead to…
Boris Johnson and the Tories should fear a weak opposition
We have a likely candidate who allegedly told one of her colleagues ‘I’m glad my constituents aren’t as stupid as…
Scott Morrison is right – Australia’s bushfires aren’t down to climate change
I have long since learned, not least from my interview with Al Gore published here in 2017 that the surest way…
Why Labour will struggle to win back the working class vote
Just how could the Conservatives win so many seats in working class areas in the Midlands and North, areas which…
I’m calling it: Boris is going to win this election
I am going to stick my neck out and say it’s going to be Boris by 58 seats. How do…
Don’t blame all ‘weird’ weather on climate change
Why can’t the great and good of the climate establishment mention higher temperatures, disappearing sea ice and rising sea levels…
John McDonnell wasn’t joking when he vowed to overthrow capitalism
John McDonnell this morning invited Phones4U entrepreneur John Caudwell around for a cup of tea. If I were Caudwell I…
Trevor Rene’s battle to stay in Britain
When Boris Johnson edited this magazine, it proposed an amnesty for illegal immigrants — a controversial notion, but an idea…
The unseemly race to increase the size of the state
‘Elect me once more and we will finish off socialism for good,’ declared Mrs Thatcher before the 1987 general election,…
Corbyn is right to condemn Boris’s cynical fracking u-turn
For once, Jeremy Corbyn is right. The government’s announcement of a moratorium in fracking is an election stunt – and…
Toxic regulations, not the fire brigade, are to blame for the Grenfell deaths
It has been bizarre to hear the London Fire Brigade taking the brunt of the blame for the deaths of…
Don’t blame oil and coal companies for climate change
This year’s Nobel Prize for the silliest piece of scientific research must go to something called the Climate Accountability Institute,…
It’s unfair for Britain to take Tooba Gondal and other Isis brides back
I am sure that Tooba Gondal, the latest Isis bride to beg for a return to Britain, would, as she…
Bailing out Thomas Cook would have been a mistake
The biggest victim of the failure of Thomas Cook is the worldly reputation of its eponymous creator – a sober…
School climate strikers should answer these two questions
“The Earth is dying”, “the world is on fire”, we’re undergoing an “environmental extinction”: just three of the sentiments which…
The BBC’s latest attack on Netflix is galling
Lord Hall of Birkenhead is feeling pretty bullish about the quality of the organisation he leads. “We’re not Netflix, we’re…
The legal war of attrition against Brexit
Another week, another step along the road to Britain’s transformation into a kritarchy – rule by judges. Last week, the…
John Bercow and the abandoning of the Speaker’s impartiality
According to John Bercow he has chosen to step down on 31 October because it would be the ‘least disruptive…
Remainers may regret not backing an October general election
So there goes the reputation of Boris Johnson’s henchmen as cunning operators. It has been a bad week for Dominic…
Germany’s military has become a complete joke
It is not hard to think of times when German military weakness would have been lauded as good news across…
How renewable energy makes power cuts more likely
At 16 minutes past four on Friday a press officer at National Grid put out a tweet which seemed to…