Official, officious, and offensive
The desecration of Australia’s brick dunnies
Are people afraid to put their name on the Covid Inquiry?
Of the 2,090 submissions to the Covid Response Inquiry, 1,021 declined to permit the author’s name to be published. That’s…
Have we been betrayed irredeemably?
This week, ASIO’s Mike Burgess announced in his annual report to Parliament that several years ago they had uncovered and…
Yes, minister… The Lowy Institute edition
What do you mean, ‘deliberative democracy’? Sounds like BS to me
Vaccination rates fall… ‘Quick, let’s vaccinate more people!’
There’s a recent report running around calling for the government to spend lots of money because vaccination rates are not high enough,…
I’m not going anywhere
The other day I found myself in a defiant mood. It’s not my default position, these days. Most often, I…
Rope-a-dope: conventional protest as cover for the real revolt
The governance mechanisms in Australia, and the West more broadly, are so manifestly corrupt that they are beyond salvage. The…
Are we all pretending everything is ‘fine’?
You know that old trope about how the husband finally retires and then the wife finds him under her feet…
Cutting off the chains of MSM and its propaganda
For the last couple of years, I’ve tried to ignore all mainstream media (apart from incidental occasions when it ambushed…
Australia Breaks Apart: essential reading for dissidents
Even before 2020, I didn’t have that many friends. It’s something I regret, not having made more effort to stay…
I’m from the government, and I’m here to threaten you
These days I try to limit my TV viewing to sport. Every other genre, from drama to game-show to (especially)…
Woke-ers of the world unite!
My copy of Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn’s The Gulag Archipelago is falling apart. I bought it many years ago at a second-hand book store…
The politician and the gulag
Lions International is an umbrella group for thousands of local Lions Clubs – of which I have recently become a…
We are all a black-box pool to the government
In the world of Business Analysis there is a discipline called Process Modelling. Its output would be familiar to most…
Trust is a big fat nothing burger
I was back at the Melbourne Cricket Ground for the opener of the 2023 AFL Season. This time last year,…
Dignity – yours to lose
On my morning walk with the dog I passed through a family gathering. The path I was on goes right…
The criminalisation of ordinariness
As Covid madness (or megalomaniacal plans, according to your worldview) took over our lives, various authorities and authoritarian tendencies in…
Betray back better
Early on in March 2020, I was leery of the hysteria surrounding Covid and decided my course of action was…
Beyond the reach of government
Everyone these days is pretty sure they’re right, no matter which side of any given debate they are on. There…
Dan Andrews’ shame: the Melbourne we remember
I had hoped I wouldn’t be drawn to re-read David Satter’s It Was a Long Time Ago and it Never Happened…
Baby steps
In a previous article, I argued that those now coming out as opposed to lockdowns first need to apologise for perpetrating…