John Gideon Hartnett

Hydrogen Gas: another Climate Cult myth busted

16 July 2024 11:11 pm

The laws of physics cannot be overcome by feelings, rhetoric, and legislation

Misinformation: the science of political manipulation

2 February 2024 2:20 am

Political science is an oxymoron. What is an oxymoron? The word’s etymology suggests it is derived from two words, ‘oxygen’…

We’re back in the USSR

16 December 2023 11:00 pm

We have been handed a load of lies for many decades. I cannot tell which of them is the biggest,…

Queer Theory in the public schools is anti-science mumbo-jumbo

6 December 2023 4:00 am

I have been reading through some training aid documents from ClickView titled Understanding Gender with various subtitles Talking about Gender and…

The problem with green energy is … basic physics

2 November 2023 3:12 am

All green energy generation schemes are dishonest schemes, for various reasons. They all need enormous tax-payer funding to make them…

The madness of Net Zero

23 October 2023 3:00 am

How crazy has the world become? What we are watching is the most insane delusion faced by humankind. To believe…

Arrivalism: the new Woke ideology

13 October 2023 4:49 am

Arrivalism is a new woke ideology being developed in Western countries. Currently, it is found in Australia with the campaign…

Welcome to country: the racism of ‘arrivalism’

3 October 2023 5:30 am

Recently, I attended an outdoor painting festival. At the opening of the exhibition, the white Caucasian blonde MC did the…

Decarbonise the planet, are they mad?

19 September 2023 2:00 am

The lunatic scheme to sequestrate carbon dioxide (CO2) several kilometres underground has been initiated by government programs, including Australia, with…

Has world war three already begun?

18 July 2023 4:30 am

‘War, Boom, Bust’ is often heard in the context of economic cycles in history. A war is needed to get…