The sun is in control of our oceans
In recent years, there has been observed an increase in ocean temperature. Those who adhere to the Climate Change version…
Another climate myth busted
What I like to call ‘climate cult’ wind farms expose the myth that wind can replace hydrocarbon fuels for power…
Hydrogen Gas: another Climate Cult myth busted
The laws of physics cannot be overcome by feelings, rhetoric, and legislation
Misinformation: the science of political manipulation
Political science is an oxymoron. What is an oxymoron? The word’s etymology suggests it is derived from two words, ‘oxygen’…
We’re back in the USSR
We have been handed a load of lies for many decades. I cannot tell which of them is the biggest,…
Queer Theory in the public schools is anti-science mumbo-jumbo
I have been reading through some training aid documents from ClickView titled Understanding Gender with various subtitles Talking about Gender and…
The problem with green energy is … basic physics
All green energy generation schemes are dishonest schemes, for various reasons. They all need enormous tax-payer funding to make them…
The madness of Net Zero
How crazy has the world become? What we are watching is the most insane delusion faced by humankind. To believe…
Arrivalism: the new Woke ideology
Arrivalism is a new woke ideology being developed in Western countries. Currently, it is found in Australia with the campaign…
Welcome to country: the racism of ‘arrivalism’
Recently, I attended an outdoor painting festival. At the opening of the exhibition, the white Caucasian blonde MC did the…
Decarbonise the planet, are they mad?
The lunatic scheme to sequestrate carbon dioxide (CO2) several kilometres underground has been initiated by government programs, including Australia, with…
Has world war three already begun?
‘War, Boom, Bust’ is often heard in the context of economic cycles in history. A war is needed to get…