They’ve Ridd us of this turbulent scientist
Is Australian academic freedom now dead in the water?
One of the most colossal failures of the century
History will be scathing about government responses to Covid-19
Justin desserts
Trudeau’s chickens come home to roost
Mistaken identity politics
Racism is being re-engineered
Meagre gruel
Three terms of Coalition government - for what?
Australian notes
Time to cancel cancel culture If I were ever asked, and I won’t be, I would urge the government to…
Dyson Heydon: process matters
The more serious the allegations the more important the process or procedure used to look into those allegations. In the…
Odds are they aren’t
Today’s politicians ignore statistical probabilities
Listen to Adam Smith, not the ABC
Freedom is something you either believe in or you do not
Fear porn panic
The press and the politicians deserve each other
The FBI’s tinpot sting operation
How Trump’s enemies corrupted the US legal process
Churchill in reverse
What we see now on Covid-19 is not what we will see later
Australian notes
It’s almost always a binary political world Have you ever wondered what Malcolm Turnbull’s version of the Golden Rule might…
An excitable right-wing polemicist replies
Those High Court appointments were dreadful, by George!
Random thoughts on the coronavirus lockdown
For some time now I have been a sceptic as to the relative or statistical dangers of this coronavirus as…
Corona notes
Heads Trump wins, tails CNN loses Remember back when that Imperial College in London modelling came out saying that this…
‘We’re all in this together’ and other myths of the corona crisis
Here are a couple of the myths, the untruths, we are being told about this coronavirus crisis. Firstly, ‘We are…
End of the world? Call me sceptical
There are just not enough deaths to justify the draconian reaction to the coronavirus
Palaszczuk’s pork for public servants: sleaze supreme, even by Queensland standards
My sister is an economist for the Ontario government in Canada. She’s a public servant. Until last year the pay…
Australian notes
Everybody loves borders now What do Justin Trudeau, Jacinda Ardern, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the crazier fringe of the Greens party (here…
Three random thoughts: universities, free speech and coronavirus
We certainly have a problem in our universities and it’s not one that will be spotted by interviewing vice-chancellors. Last…
Can the Libs move just a smidgen to the right, please?
The Coalition’s appointments are woeful
The charge of the Recognition brigade
The Voice is toxic
High Court of Wokeness
How on earth did the Coalition allow this travesty to happen?
Go slow ScoMo
What has this government actually achieved?