Douglas Murray

Douglas Murray is Associate Director of the Henry Jackson Society and an author, most recently of Bloody Sunday: Truth, lies and the Saville Inquiry.

Prince Charming is cancelled

19 August 2023 9:00 am

The only strikes I really enjoy are actors’ strikes. Teachers’ strikes leave me cold. Train strikes get me into a…

Hell is the Ulez hotline

12 August 2023 9:00 am

‘Only boring people get bored’ is what we were all told as children. What we were not warned about was…

Why should Vikings be diverse?

5 August 2023 9:00 am

I don’t always watch ‘Strongest Viking’ competitions on cable. But the other day I was channel-hopping and became mesmerised by…

Was I right about Iraq?

29 July 2023 9:00 am

Back in March there was a glut of pieces about the 2003 Iraq war. The 20th anniversary seemed to much…

Canada’s assisted dying horror story

22 July 2023 9:00 am

My favourite Martin Amis novel was his 1991 book Time’s Arrow. It is a pyrotechnically brilliant work in which all…

Daniel Korski and the lives of others

15 July 2023 9:00 am

The news has been coming so thick and fast of late that every week there are dozens of stories we…

French racism is not the problem

8 July 2023 9:00 am

Last week we learned that a woman in a park in Skegness was dragged into the bushes and raped by…

Joe Biden is not OK

1 July 2023 9:00 am

One of the most reliable standards in international comedy has long been the outstanding ineloquence of American politicians. In this…

The diversity trap

24 June 2023 9:00 am

If anyone reading this ever bought shares in the diversity racket, then I would suggest you start dumping them now.…

It’s been a bad week for former political leaders

17 June 2023 9:00 am

The week of the three downfalls has been an interesting one. Boris Johnson resigning from parliament, Donald Trump going to…

The inversion of history

10 June 2023 9:00 am

It is 18 years since the last Colditz drama on British television, which apparently means we need a new one.…

The strange obsession with Phillip Schofield

3 June 2023 9:00 am

As I have noted before, there is always another circle. I thought that last week’s scandal (originally entitled ‘Suellagate’ or…

There is such thing as a stupid question

27 May 2023 9:00 am

Some people seem to make a career of being ashamed (or at least claiming to be ashamed) of their country.…

How to fake it till you make it

20 May 2023 9:00 am

Not to sound too much like Kamala Harris during one of her peregrinations on the nature of time, but the…

Daniel Penny and the problem with have-a-go heroes

13 May 2023 9:00 am

I have always liked the phrase ‘have-a-go hero’. It sums up a certain type of person who can emerge from…

The cost of mass migration

6 May 2023 9:00 am

Way back in the long distant 1990s, net migration into this country used to be in the tens of thousands…

The pathology of anti-Semitism

29 April 2023 9:00 am

One of the best ways to work out that somebody has not thought deeply about anti-Semitism is if they say…

Ireland’s violent men of peace

22 April 2023 9:00 am

It was from the Northern Ireland conflict that I first learned how language – like everything else – can be…

In defence of Picasso

15 April 2023 9:00 am

‘Well, they can’t cancel Picasso.’ That was my optimistic take some months ago when a friend in the art world…

Is the English countryside racist?

8 April 2023 9:00 am

I don’t know what your plans are for Easter. Mine generally include a nice walk in the English countryside. There…

Our poor deluded MPs

1 April 2023 9:00 am

They say that death and taxes are the only certainties in life. But I would add a couple more things…

The joke is on America

25 March 2023 9:00 am

I was brought up on Dan Quayle jokes. You know the ones – like the gag that the then vice-president…

The overuse and abuse of ‘fascism’

18 March 2023 9:00 am

I would be very happy if I never had to hear the name Gary Lineker again. He was a vague…

Jonathan Coad and British TV’s most catastrophic interview

11 March 2023 9:00 am

‘Coad. Coad.’ I wracked my brain. Distant bells began to tinkle as I turned the name over. As though performing…

Thomas Jefferson and the death of wisdom

4 March 2023 9:00 am

In recent weeks I have been trying out a mental exercise. Perhaps you might join me? Cast your mind back…