Hark! No herald angels sang
The suburban church is passing from the scene
Ausie life
‘Now, Jill, what would you like to be when you grow up?’ ‘I’d like to be an equal opportunity commissioner.’…
Now it’s diplomatic relations for First Nations
An ambassador for some, but not all
Nuclear escalation
The fight over Australia’s energy future is hotting up
Liturgy Wars
The battle for the future of the Roman Catholic Church is coming to a head
Gongs all wrong
Honours should be about merit (so here are mine)
On the road to Gadigal land
How many of us as kids enjoyed – or were forced to undergo – family road trips? Mile after mile…
Bring on the bias
Leaning left in the early days of TV
Aussie life
In a provincial Victorian city a vast brooding monolith has recently obtruded itself into the ‘built environment’, usurping the church…
Aussie life
It’s no wonder the cost of living is rocketing when the politicians who run our country have little or no…
Aussie life
Australia is becoming a secular society. Religion of the boring old traditional type our grandparents followed is on the way…
Aren’t you fed up with the ABC?
I don’t know whether you can still get liquorice allsorts, but they used to be popular with children, if not…
Ten million times ‘No’: reflections on the referendum
The barbaric slaughter of many hundreds of Israelis by Palestinian terrorists is a horrifying reminder of the power of hatred…
Australian notes
ABC grope-think True to its mission to enlighten and entertain, the ABC has set out to inform us about the…
Aussie life
If the Albanese regime is handing out ‘voices’ this year, it might start by giving one to the silent majority…
How ‘Net Zeroists’ will keep their lights on
The elites won’t suffer from power cuts with the rest of us
Royal notes
Everyone has said it by now, but this changed and confusing world makes it all the more extraordinary. It seemed…
Aussie life
What is it about Daniel Andrews, quasi-dictator of Victoria? He runs what Tony Abbott last week called ‘the worst government…
Australian notes
The defection of a number of Australian Anglicans from their Church might not seem of more than local importance but…
Aussie life
Perhaps we could pay tribute to the US Supreme Court’s courageous decision to remove an entitlement to wholesale abortion that…
Aussie life
In The Australian Ugliness, published in 1960, the architect Robin Boyd remembered a meal in a hotel dining room in…
Aussie life
April is the cruellest month for anybody who despairs at the state of contemporary humour. Where are the Ealing comedies…
Welcome to the new Dark Ages
The civilisation Australians are used to won’t last much longer
Aussie Life
A journalist friend has been writing an advice column rather like The Speccie’s ‘Dear Mary’. He was calling it ‘Ask…
Aussie Life
You’ve possibly heard of a ghastly woman called Patrisse Cullors. Her chief claim to fame is that she founded that…