A cherry orchard, three sisters and a summer romance: Tom Lake, by Ann Patchett, reviewed
Alex Clark enjoys a poignant story centring on a cherry orchard, three sisters and their mother’s past love affair
A morning in a diner with Michigan’s COVID rebels
Portage, Michigan The short notice taped to the door is addressed ‘to all government officials’. It gives them a warning:…
Five head-scratching election results
The 2020 election has already kicked up myriad allegations of fraud. From dead people voting in key states to late…
The activist left has been neutered for now
At the time of writing, several key states are still tabulating or finding votes (depending on what side of the…
How Trump can win the election
As of 1:00 a.m. on Election Night, assuming Montana and Alaska go to Donald Trump and Nevada goes to Joe…
Can Trump appeal to America’s black silent minority?
One of the largest obstacles standing in the way of Donald Trump’s re-election is his weakness in every big city…
Biden is the comeback kid — but is he ready for Trump?
Former vice president Joe Biden had an impressive showing on ‘Mini Tuesday’, crushing the delegate count and potentially sticking the…
Why Trump will win again in 2020
This article is in The Spectator’s January 2020 US edition. Subscribe here. My reasons for thinking Trump was going to be…
Why the World Service is worth every penny
What makes the World Service so different from the rest of the BBC? I asked Mary Hockaday, the controller of…