Jeremy Deller

Amnesia rave, Coventry, 1991. Image: Tony Davis / Pymca / Shutterstock

I agree with Jeremy Deller – the birth of acid house was a revolution that changed Britain

17 August 2019 9:00 am

Jeremy Deller’s Everybody in the Place: an Incomplete History of Britain 1984-1992 (BBC4) began with some footage of kids queuing…

Jeremy Deller is lost in Walthamstow

22 March 2014 9:00 am

At the Venice Biennale last year, Jeremy Deller presented English Magic in the British Pavilion. It was an aggressive look…

Jeremy Deller curates a fascinating and funny exhibition in Manchester

26 October 2013 9:00 am

All That Is Solid Melts Into Air is an art show largely without art (at Manchester Art Gallery until 19…