Life is a far richer, more complicated affair than we imagined
Exploring the new biology, Philip Hall explains how genes do not in fact determine our fate, and how cells can be reprogrammed to perform all kinds of new tasks
Nature beats nurture nearly every time
I’ve been doing some thinking recently about the findings of behavioural geneticists and their implications for education policy. For instance,…
Let the poor have designer babies on the NHS
I’ve just written an essay for Quadrant, an Australian periodical, in which I propose a controversial solution to the problem…
Oh no. Have I let my children have too much self-esteem?
Two new books have been published recently on the thorny issue of social mobility, one optimistic, suggesting various things parents…
Revealed: how exam results owe more to genes than teaching
New research by Professor Robert Plomin shows genes are more important than we like to think