F. Scott Fitzgerald

What makes a good title?

11 January 2025 9:00 am

Liszt’s compositions tend to have descriptive titles – ‘Wild Chase’; ‘Dreams of Love’ – whereas Chopin avoided titles. Thomas Wentworth…

The fresh hell of Dorothy Parker’s Hollywood

16 November 2024 9:00 am

Though well paid as a screenwriter, Parker lampooned Hollywood’s moguls, dubbing MGM Metro-Goldwyn-Merde as she slipped further into alcoholism

The books that made me who I am

12 March 2022 9:00 am

Gstaad This is my last week in the Alps and I’m trying to get it all in – skiing, cross-country,…

Raymond Chandler and his contrarian cat Taki

6 March 2021 9:00 am

Gstaad That’s all we needed in a great year: copyright has expired on The Great Gatsby. Some Fitzgerald wannabe has…

The golden age of nightclubs

7 February 2020 10:00 pm

I find myself detached from mainstream culture. It started with the demise of nightclubs like Annabel’s and the arrival of…

Taki, the greatest literary critic of our time, picks Fitzgerald’s greatest novel

30 May 2015 9:00 am

An operation on my hand after a karate injury has had me reading more than usual. I even attempted Don…

Working is good for you — even if it’s unpaid, in a charity shop — or writing book reviews for The Spectator

25 April 2015 9:00 am

Work is a funny old thing — a four-letter word to some, the meaning of life to others. There have…

From Russia with love

The Great Gatsby meets Fifty Shades of Oligarch

18 April 2015 9:00 am

It’s surprising there haven’t been more novels drawing on London’s fascination with Russian oligarchs. But how to write about them…

My addiction to literary pilgrimage is akin to masturbation

17 January 2015 9:00 am

The hotel and its bright tan prayer rug of a beach were one. In the early morning the distant image…

Once upon a time, when a poor farmer came to the big city he put on his only suit

29 November 2014 9:00 am

The leaves are falling non-stop, like names dropped in Hollywood, and it has suddenly turned colder than the look I…

Does the world need 17 volumes of Hemingway's letters?

26 October 2013 9:00 am

‘In the years since 1961 Hemingway’s reputation as “the outstanding author since the death of Shakespeare” shrank to the extent…

A Trip to Echo Spring, by Olivia Laing - review

10 August 2013 9:00 am

The boozer’s life is one of low self-esteem and squalid self-denial. It was memorably evoked by Charles Jackson in his…