
Letters: The Christian case for cash

5 February 2022 9:00 am

Naysayers needed Sir: I was struck by James Forsyth’s observation that in 10 Downing Street, ‘hard truths and hard choices…

Letters: The BBC licence fee is a protection racket

29 January 2022 9:00 am

Russia’s star Sir: Wolfgang Münchau is surely right to highlight the risk posed to European peace and stability by Germany’s…

Letters: Our broken civil service

22 January 2022 9:00 am

Beyond the party Sir: Rod Liddle is spot-on in arguing that the attitudes revealed by ‘partygate’ extend to senior civil…

Letters: Unfair care costs will turn the red wall blue

15 January 2022 9:00 am

Take care Sir: Your editorial (‘Counting the costs’, 8 January) makes valid points regarding the funding of social care. The…


8 January 2022 9:00 am

Welcome changes Sir: Lloyd Evans’s sympathetic piece on the fate of Afghans once they arrive in the UK made for…

How to cure what ails the NHS

18 December 2021 9:00 am

Wrong cure Sir: In referring to the UK as the highest-spending European nation in healthcare proportionate to GDP (‘Hospital pass’,…

Letters: the army should be used as an emergency service

11 December 2021 9:00 am

Flood relief Sir: In my lifetime there have been at least two major flood emergencies when the armed forces have…

How accurate is the ‘Waitrose test’?

4 December 2021 9:00 am

The Waitrose test Sir: Like Rod Liddle, I live in the north-east of England — a little further north and…

Letters: Europe’s contribution to peace

27 November 2021 9:00 am

Peace project Sir: It was heartening to read your editorial on the peace which has reigned in Europe since 1945,…

Letters: it isn’t climate change scientists who are the hysterics

20 November 2021 9:00 am

Balance of power Sir: Ross Clark sums up the problem with wind power (‘Storing up trouble’, 13 November). It is…

Letters: climate protestors would do better to boycott China

13 November 2021 9:00 am

Heat Sir: May I place some of Nigel Lawson’s comments in a sensible historical context (‘Stupid fuels’, 6 November)? First,…

Letters: Why net zero is impossible

6 November 2021 9:00 am

Carbon deceit Sir: At this week’s climate change conference, countries will be urged to follow the UK’s ‘lead’ in setting…

Letters: The contentious issues of religious conversion

30 October 2021 9:00 am

Hard to reconcile Sir: Although not an Anglican, I appreciate Michael Nazir-Ali’s dilemma (‘A change of mind and heart’, 23…

Letters: How to feed the world

23 October 2021 9:00 am

Doom and gloom Sir: The depressing article by Tom Woodman (‘You must be kidding’, 16 October) confirms my growing fears…

In praise of Irn Bru

16 October 2021 9:00 am

Gasbags Sir: Seb Kennedy tells us that, like Covid, our looming energy crisis came from China (‘Power grab’, 9 October).…

Letters: In defence of Land Rovers

9 October 2021 9:00 am

How to stay safe Sir: Mary Wakefield is correct to highlight the opprobrium heaped on anyone who suggests sensible safety…

Letters: Don’t let the parish perish

2 October 2021 9:00 am

Parish problems Sir: Emma Thompson draws attention to a serious problem in the Church of England (‘Power to the parish’,…

Letters: The lure of lorry driving

25 September 2021 9:00 am

Driving force Sir: As a long-distance UK lorry driver I am very aware of the issues raised by Rodney Pittam…

Letters: the horror of communism

18 September 2021 9:00 am

A kick up the assetocracy Sir: While it was heartening to see Fraser Nelson take a stand against the ‘assetocracy’…

Letters: In defence of GPs

11 September 2021 9:00 am

Out of practice Sir: GPs are not ‘hiding behind their telephones’ (Leading article, 4 September). In-person appointments are the core…

Letters: The agony of the forgotten Australians

4 September 2021 9:00 am

A glimmer of hope Sir: After the debacle of the West’s shambolic withdrawal from Afghanistan, it was comforting to read…

Letters: the West has failed Afghanistan

28 August 2021 9:00 am

The blame game Sir: Like many who served in Afghanistan, I have watched with growing dismay the recent events unfolding…

Letters: the problem with Net Zero

21 August 2021 9:00 am

Zero balance Sir: James Kirkup (‘In defence of net zero’, 14 August) highlights the falling cost of solar and wind…

Letters: Why aren’t Italians fighting for their liberty?

14 August 2021 9:00 am

Wage concern Sir: Martin Vander Weyer’s call for higher wages to end the shortage of British HGV drivers (‘Your country…

Letters: The problem with the ‘alpha migrants’

7 August 2021 9:00 am

Here illegally Sir: Unfortunately, Charlotte Eagar misses the point (‘The alpha migrants’, 31 July). The Channel migrants may be ‘bright…