Letters: Biden is alienating Britain
Joe Shmoe Sir: Your piece ‘Not so special’ (Leading article, 8 July) was right. Joe Biden doesn’t like us and…
Letters: In defence of teachers
Teacher trouble Sir: Rod Liddle (‘The trouble with teachers’, 24 June) is quite correct in what he says about the…
Letters: Jeremy Clarke was an example to us all
Goodbye, Jeremy Each week I opened The Spectator at Low Life in part to read that brilliant column and, more…
Letters: Britain’s net-zero ambition problem
Zero ambition Sir: How extraordinary that Ross Clark (‘Carbon fixation’, 20 May) can look at the cut-throat competition to capture…
Letters: The C of E has become too broad a church
Too broad a Church Sir: I am not implacably hostile to Justin Welby; I share Christian empathy with the Archbishop’s…
Letters: The positive case for daycare
Major mistake Sir: Douglas Murray (‘Our poor deluded MPs’, 1 April) contends that John Major is widely regarded as ‘one…
Letters: Speak up for our children
Care of children Sir: At last people, namely Harriet Sergeant (‘The ghost children’, 25 March) and Rod Liddle (‘Childcare: an…
Letters: The dangers of certainty
Uncertain times Sir: Kate Andrews’s article on the era of economic certainty (‘Crash test’, 18 March) is not the first…
Channel anger Sir: I fear that in your leading article (‘Our duty to refugees’, 11 March) you find yourself in the…
Letters: Putin isn’t winning
Friends like these… Sir: I much admire Peter Frankopan as a historian but his article ‘Is Putin winning?’ (4 March)…
Letters: Should Christians in politics leave their faith at the door?
Beyond belief Sir: Tim Farron (‘Church and state’, 25 February) repeats many of the common errors made by those of faith.…
Letters: Sturgeon’s delusion
Delusion of Sturgeon Sir: Nicola Sturgeon’s resignation speech was the longest and most delusional in living memory (‘After Sturgeon’, 18…