Versailles’s role as a palace of science
The vast seat of Bourbon power also doubled as a laboratory for experiments in astronomy, hydraulics, engineering, ballooning, medicine, mathematics and cartography
‘Enough to kill any man’: the trials of serving Queen Victoria
Of all the Queen’s prime ministers, Gladstone suffered the most from her wilfulness, but while he opposed her policies he did much to popularise her monarchy
The emperor as ruler of heaven and Earth
Geography, climate, economics and nationalism are often seen as decisive forces in history. In this dynamic, original and convincing book…
The Greeks’ bitter fight for freedom
Last year was the 200th anniversary of the outbreak of the war of Greek independence in March 1821. It has…
A prince among men: could Albert have changed the course of history?
Double identities have never been rare: Norman French conquered England. Anglo Irish led its armies to victory. German Jews helped…
Hungary is being led once again down a dangerous nationalistic path
Norman Stone has already written, with a brilliant blend of humour, understanding and scepticism, histories of the Eastern Front, Turkey,…
Atheist and gay, Frederick the Great was more radical than most leaders today
Reacquaintance with Germany is long overdue for most English people. Before 1914 it was at least as familiar as France…
Kaiser Wilhelm's guide to ruining a country
The life of Kaiser Wilhelm II is also a guide to how to ruin a country, says Philip Mansel