Patrick O’Flynn

Rwanda could still be Rishi’s saving grace

1 May 2024 9:44 pm

There is an old Rowan Atkinson joke about the secret to good comedy timing in which Atkinson says the word…

Whisper it, but Rishi Sunak has had a good week

27 April 2024 4:30 pm

If you have been doing as badly as Rishi Sunak has as prime minister, then it doesn’t take much to…

Sunak’s bungled Rwanda scheme won’t save him

23 April 2024 1:55 am

Like a cowboy builder sucking his teeth about unanticipated complications on the job, Rishi Sunak has just pushed back another…

Why a Labour super-majority is unlikely

21 April 2024 4:00 pm

In economic, there is a phenomenon known as ‘automatic stabilisers’, which kick in at the onset of a recession. Without…

Never forget the politicians who pushed gender politics

12 April 2024 11:45 pm

The great trans hoax is coming to an end. The idea of thousands of people being ‘trapped’ in the wrong…

The Tories are resigned to an almighty defeat

6 April 2024 5:00 pm

The herd of Conservative MPs is on the move again, this time obediently setting off towards the abattoir in which…

Rishi Sunak’s empty human rights threat

4 April 2024 11:48 pm

Is there anyone in Britain who believes that Rishi Sunak will take us out of the European Convention on Human…

Farage at 60: there’s more to come

1 April 2024 10:36 pm

Were I to tell you that the most significant political figure of his age celebrates a landmark birthday this week,…

Rishi Sunak only has himself to blame for the rise of Reform

30 March 2024 5:45 pm

By their rugby analogies shall ye know them: when Boris Johnson was asked about his chance of becoming prime minister,…

Why did a judge fall for Abdul Ezedi’s lie that he was a Christian?

27 March 2024 10:49 pm

Abdul Ezedi is dead and gone. The Clapham acid attacker was laid to rest in a Muslim burial at a…

Why Labour secretly fears the Rwanda scheme

21 March 2024 9:52 pm

When Boris Johnson and Priti Patel first launched the Rwanda scheme, in the Spring of 2022, there seemed every chance…

Penny Mordaunt

Penny Mordaunt isn’t the answer

18 March 2024 8:50 pm

During her last Tory conference speech, Penny Mordaunt told her audience: ‘If you remember nothing else from what I have…

Boris Johnson won’t help Sunak win back the Red Wall

12 March 2024 9:24 pm

What are we to make of today’s rather breathless story in the the Times suggesting that Boris Johnson will make…

Why Starmer shouldn’t celebrate Lee Anderson’s Reform defection

12 March 2024 1:37 am

Lee Anderson joining Reform UK is unquestionably a disaster for Rishi Sunak. It will guarantee the challenger party huge coverage…

Only Nigel Farage can save us now

9 March 2024 6:00 pm

When the Prime Minister cannot be bothered to listen to the Budget it sends out a pretty big signal to…

Can the Tories avoid oblivion?

2 March 2024 5:30 pm

Another day, another terrible poll for the Tories – the latest YouGov survey records support for the parties at Labour…

Keir Starmer must stand up to George Galloway

1 March 2024 8:33 pm

George Galloway has done it again. As an expert in riding waves of fury among Muslim voters about happenings in…

Why is the BBC not telling the full truth about a trans cat-killing murderer?

27 February 2024 5:15 pm

Given that the BBC places great store in having a ‘Verify’ unit to root out fake news emanating from other…

The Lee Anderson row shows the Tory party has broken down

26 February 2024 12:34 am

What are we to make of the Lee Anderson saga? The very fact that this low-rent furore is dominating our Sunday…

Lindsay Hoyle has become a menace

22 February 2024 3:12 am

The Labour party is not very good at electing prime ministers but it is very good indeed at electing House…

The Tories should be worried about Reform

16 February 2024 7:17 pm

And with one bound he was free. In fact let’s make that two. A pair of whopping by-election wins in…

Rishi Sunak’s week of howlers has exposed his big weakness

10 February 2024 6:00 pm

It is quite some achievement to launch an attack on Keir Starmer’s contortions over trans rights versus women’s rights and…

Christians are being played for fools in asylum claims

5 February 2024 11:47 pm

It came as quite a shock when we learned that many of our universities had moved into the lucrative trade…

Tory MPs must share the blame with Sunak for the party’s troubles

28 January 2024 6:15 pm

Rishi Sunak is a drab technocrat mired in a failed political paradigm and with a tin ear for public opinion.…

Clarke’s bid to oust Sunak has flopped – for now

24 January 2024 8:19 pm

It was ‘the knife of the long knight’, joked one social media wag about the bid by the unfeasibly tall…