Nick Cohen

Nick Cohen is a columnist for the Observer and author of What's Left and You Can't Read This Book.

Why conservatives should get behind Starmer

5 July 2024 7:29 pm

The Conservatives are going down to one of their worst defeats ever. The opposition has come from nowhere to absolutely…

Biden and Harris must go

28 June 2024 10:23 pm

For months US Democrats have been wondering why voters were not supporting Joe Biden. He has been a good president, and…

How the liberal-left can fight woke ideology

16 June 2024 4:00 pm

There is a leftist case against woke ideology. It’s rare to hear it because it flies against many preconceptions and…

How the Tories created Nigel Farage

5 June 2024 4:00 pm

Conventional Conservative wisdom once warned about the dangers of appeasement. Rudyard Kipling, the great poet of imperialism, may be the…

Keir Starmer’s purge has gone too far

31 May 2024 3:26 am

It’s Friday 5 July 2024. The electorate has proved the pollsters right, and Labour has returned to power with a…

Could Jeremy Corbyn become a left-wing Nigel Farage?

26 May 2024 4:30 pm

Why can’t Jeremy Corbyn be a left-wing Farage? Why can’t he threaten Labour as Ukip and its successor parties threatened…

The infected blood scandal should make us think twice about revering the NHS

21 May 2024 3:35 am

Blood is central to the myths British people tell themselves. One of the many consequences of the contaminated blood scandal…

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There’s nothing racist about Anglo-Saxons

18 May 2024 9:13 pm

One of the aims of progressives in higher education ought to be to use their privileged position to spread knowledge…

Labour will swing left as it heads for power

3 May 2024 11:42 pm

Labour people are used to defeat. Before every election they wonder if the Tories will defy expectations. Real votes are…

English civil law has become a luxury good beyond the reach of most of us

13 April 2024 9:00 am

Tom Burgis makes this painfully clear in his account of the long hounding of the former MP Charlotte Leslie by the vengeful millionaire Mohamed Amersi

Kate’s critics should be ashamed of themselves

23 March 2024 8:40 pm

Who is this speaking with a sneer on their lips and contempt in their voice before news of the Princess of Wales’s…

George Galloway’s Rochdale win should trouble Labour

1 March 2024 8:20 pm

The Rochdale by-election raises a question that Labour will find hard to duck in government: can a European left-wing party…

Violence is corrupting our democracy

23 February 2024 2:32 am

Fascism begins with political violence on the streets. In 1922, Benito Mussolini ordered his supporters to march on Rome and…

Muslims won’t be fooled by George Galloway any more

17 February 2024 7:22 pm

It is a measure of how conspiracy theories have triumphed in the darkest corners of the left that, when the…

The QAnon-style in anti-Israel conspiracy theories

29 December 2023 1:50 am

On Boxing Day pro-Palestine demonstrators met customers at the Zara sale in the Westfield shopping centre, in Stratford, east London.…

Anti-Semitism is a threat to the West

17 December 2023 5:00 pm

Down the road from where I live in Islington, the Jewish community put up a menorah in a park on…

Why the far left sides with Hamas

3 December 2023 2:24 am

The great fault of the global left is not that it supports Hamas. For how could western left-wing movements or…

Vivian Silver and the collapse of the Israeli left

19 November 2023 1:22 am

The well-lived life and foul murder of Vivian Silver encapsulate the hopelessness of Israel-Hamas war and the bad faith that…

What the ceasefire vote means for the future of the Labour party

16 November 2023 10:02 pm

It’s a little too easy to dismiss the huge Labour rebellion on the Israel-Hamas war last night as ‘virtue signalling’.…

Benjamin Netanyahu is a dangerous ally for the left

5 November 2023 6:18 pm

There is no better example of modern pseudo-sophistication than the dismissal of the argument in the Labour party about a ceasefire…

Why the far left supports Hamas

29 October 2023 6:51 pm

It’s not often that Brits can say that the US is behind the UK. But in understanding the dynamic between the…

The Tory war on woke won’t work

22 October 2023 6:00 pm

Visibly desperate Conservatives are counting on their opposition to the left’s cultural revolution to save them, if not from defeat,…

British anti-Semites are delighted by the attack on Israel

10 October 2023 3:44 am

You might think the massacre of Jewish civilians will stop anti-Jewish hatred in Britain. Or, if that is too much…

Why ‘wokeness’ is doomed to fail

23 September 2023 5:00 pm

There are two dishonest conversations about wokeness, or identity politics if you prefer the less contentious term. The first from conservatives…

A woke witch hunt has taken over the arts

27 August 2023 5:00 pm

Remove the preconceptions that stop you seeing clearly, and it is hard to tell the difference between how the arts…