Natalie Haynes

Face of young woman partially destroyed, dating from the 1st century BC, found at Tivoli, Italy. Credit Getty Images

Must Ovid be hijacked by the alt-right?

3 November 2018 9:00 am

Who could possibly take exception to the Stoics? One of the more passive arms of Hellenistic philosophy, Stoicism required its…

‘Achilles has a dispute with Agamemnon [following Briseis being taken away, and Achilles refusing to fight until she is returned]’, J.H. Tischbein, 1776, oil on canvas. (Bridgeman Images)

Pat Barker travels to Troy, but finds herself diverted somewhere outside Ypres

22 September 2018 9:00 am

Sing muse, begins The Iliad, of the wrath of Achilles. We are dropped straight into the tenth year of the…