Slash the tax
Unburden overtime from what has been
Israel or nothing
From the Babylonian Exile to the founding of modern Israel, Jews have wandered the world as second-class citizens. The Jewish…
Green feels chop over Labor deals
For New South Wales Labor, green morality trumps forestry
Home baked sovereign risk
Australia Day passed with fewer flags, less lamb, and more bickering. The Prime Minister ducked for cover, statues came down,…
Adding workplace rules won’t make Australians richer
According to the federal government, the Closing Loopholes legislation is a commitment ‘to getting wages moving and strengthening enterprise bargaining’.…
A tinderbox of incompetence
For a decade, the Victorian government-owned forestry controller VicForests has been a tinderbox of incompetence looking for a match. Gifted…
WorkSafe: socialism by stealth
The Victorian State government is forcing employers to pay for their mental health initiatives, and it is crippling businesses. Pending…
October Revolution: time for democracy in the NSW Liberals
Self-confident democratisation within established political parties turns the tide against weak membership and enhances electoral prospects. These are the lessons…