Lloyd Evans

A masterpiece: P Word, at Park Theatre, reviewed

24 September 2022 9:00 am

Look at this line. ‘I’m 80 years old. I find that unforgivable.’ Could an actor get a laugh on ‘unforgivable’?…

A tremendous show that will attract serious attention from the West End: Rehab – The Musical reviewed

17 September 2022 9:00 am

Rehab: The Musical opens with a boyband star, Kid Pop, getting busted for possession of cocaine. The judge sentences him…

For the state funeral mourners, the endurance is part of the ritual

17 September 2022 12:47 am

The queue snakes for miles along the South Bank. Thousands of ordinary people are giving up hours of their time…

Why is the BBC using Paddington to remember Her Majesty?

15 September 2022 4:00 pm

Here comes Paddington – again. Earlier this year, to celebrate her platinum jubilee, the Queen agreed to be filmed taking…

Rhapsodic banalities: I, Joan, at the Globe, reviewed

10 September 2022 9:00 am

‘Trans people are sacred. We are divine.’ The first line of I, Joan at the Globe establishes the tone of…

Our prison culture is more barbaric than it was in 1823: Elizabeth Fry ‘The Angel of Prisons’ reviewed

3 September 2022 9:00 am

The Angel of Prisons dramatises the life of the penal reformer Elizabeth Fry, who lived near Canning Town. She married…

The show works a treat: Globe's The Tempest reviewed

27 August 2022 9:00 am

Southwark Playhouse has a reputation for small musicals with big ambitions. Tasting Notes is set in a wine bar run…

A four-way race between poet, actor, video artist and sound engineer: Edinburgh Festival's Burn reviewed

20 August 2022 9:00 am

In a new hour-long monologue, Burn, Alan Cumming examines the life and work of Robert Burns. The biographical material is…

The Dane gets an interpretive dance makeover: Ian McKellan's Hamlet reviewed

13 August 2022 9:00 am

Ian McKellen’s Hamlet is the highlight of Edinburgh’s opening week. In this experimental ballet, Sir Ian speaks roughly 5 per…

I can't recommend this Cole Porter musical highly enough: Anything Goes, at the Barbican, reviewed

6 August 2022 9:00 am

The Barbican’s big summer show is billed on the website as ‘the sold-out musical sensation, Anything Goes’. The term ‘sold-out’…

Stupendously good: Much Ado About Nothing, at the Lyttelton Theatre, reviewed

30 July 2022 9:00 am

Simon Godwin’s Much Ado About Nothing is set in a steamy Italian holiday resort, the Hotel Messina, in the 1920s.…

An entertaining display, clearly destined for Netflix: Patriots, at Almeida Theatre, reviewed

23 July 2022 9:00 am

Patriots, by Peter Morgan, is a drama documentary about recent Russian history. And though it’s a topical show it’s not…

The unedifying spectacle of Boris’s last PMQs

21 July 2022 12:49 am

Today Boris gave his last performance at Prime Minister’s Questions. But was it his last? He left the House hanging…

The real winner from last night’s debate

17 July 2022 1:42 am

Last night Channel 4 held a 90-minute live event starring Rishi, Liz, Tom, Penny and Kemi. Not a manufactured pop-band…

Hytner hits the bull's eye: The Southbury Child, at the Bridge Theatre, reviewed

16 July 2022 9:00 am

The Southbury Child is a comedy drama set in east Devon featuring a distressed vicar, Fr David, with a complex…

Boris is finally free

14 July 2022 12:40 am

A curious atmosphere in the Commons today. Relaxed. Jovial. Almost like a party. There was a bit of aggro at…

Bleak, vapid and banal: why are the Tory leadership videos so awful?

12 July 2022 11:30 pm

The Tory candidates have released a set of videos presenting their claim to become Britain’s next prime minister. Frontrunner Rishi…

Right play, wrong place: The Fellowship, at Hampstead Theatre, reviewed

9 July 2022 9:00 am

Roy Williams’s new play is a wonky beast. It has two dense and cumbersome storylines that aren’t properly developed. Dawn…

Boris skewered – for one last time?

7 July 2022 4:37 am

A brutal encounter at the Liaison Committee this afternoon. Boris was grilled for two hours by a gang of aggressive…

PMQs was a blue-on-blue bloodbath

6 July 2022 11:45 pm

Knife crime beset PMQs. It was a horrific blue-on-blue bloodbath as Tory backstabbers queued up to play the role of Brutus…

If you see this show you’ll want to see it again – directed properly: The Glass Menagerie, at the Duke of York's Theatre, reviewed

2 July 2022 9:00 am

The Glass Menagerie directed by Jeremy Herrin is a bit of an eyeball-scrambler. The action takes place on a huge…

Tony Blair is too good for British politics

1 July 2022 10:59 pm

Tony Blair was the headline act at his day-long talking-shop in London yesterday. The crowds attending the Future of Britain…

Bloated waffle: Jitney at the Old Vic reviewed

25 June 2022 9:00 am

The Old Vic’s new show, Jitney, has a mystifying YouTube advert which gives no information about the play or the…

Three cheers for booing in the theatre

25 June 2022 9:00 am

Are modern theatre-goers too polite?

Joyously liberating: Tony! [The Tony Blair Rock Opera] reviewed

18 June 2022 9:00 am

Harry Hill’s latest musical traces Tony Blair’s bizarre career from student pacifist to war-mongering plaything of the United States. With…