Kerry Wakefield

Colonel Mustard breaks free of his invisible shackles

30 May 2020 9:00 am

No more easy pickings in the West for China

The emerging global backlash against China

1 May 2020 11:00 pm

Blame the communist tyrants

After the party

4 April 2020 9:00 am

The virus has also laid waste to the woke zeitgeist

China fails the virus test

29 February 2020 9:00 am

Chinese leaders should apologise for the coronavirus

The truth is out there

21 February 2020 10:00 pm

We are all our own gatekeepers to the news

US notes

14 December 2019 9:00 am

Fake news outs itself Credibility used to matter to the media, but in these days of fake news and media…

All the dumb things

12 October 2019 9:00 am

‘Gee our schools are good!’ a friend once said. ‘By the time our kids are 12, they know everything!’ No…

The day the news died

17 August 2019 9:00 am

Hollywood blockbusters are not normally the place one finds insight, but a new action thriller recently provided an unexpected reflection…

Not your grandfather’s nuclear power

22 June 2019 9:00 am

When Chief Scientist Alan Finkel’s electricity market review passed through New York a couple of years ago, the team went…

A prayer for the West

20 April 2019 9:00 am

Symbolism matters. It’s why the Muslim call to prayer rang out across New Zealand after the Christchurch massacre, and why…

Deep State steps out of the shadows

2 March 2019 9:00 am

One of Sherlock Holmes’ enduring tropes is the dog that didn’t bark in the night, giving away the fact that…

Hat(e) crime

2 February 2019 9:00 am

The Covington affair and the new dark age of Hate Media

Dispatches from the conservative frontline

22 September 2018 9:00 am

In early 2017, as feminists in pink pussy hats marched in shocked outrage at the election of President Trump, a…

Pride stripped bare

23 June 2018 9:00 am

Every now and again the clouds part, a shaft of light breaks through and something up ahead is illuminated. In…

Down the rabbit hole into Trump’s America

10 February 2018 9:00 am

A curious discovery at this year’s Australian Open tennis showed how America’s President Trump trauma is filtering into the most…

Turkeys, Thanksgiving and fake news

2 December 2017 9:00 am

A bolt of schadenfreude hit many US conservatives inside the beltway last weekend – amid equal horror on the Left…

A world without Christianity

14 October 2017 9:00 am

Not all homosexuals are cowering in corners as they suffer the dreaded hate speech of the same-sex marriage debate; indeed,…

US talk circuit

4 March 2017 9:00 am

Hating trump The talk circuit has started up again in Manhattan, and the good news is that, unusually, Australia featured…

High Noon USA

21 January 2017 9:00 am

It’s going to be spectacular, it’s going to be ugly and it’s going to be war. The liberal elites in…

High Noon USA

19 January 2017 3:00 pm

It’s going to be spectacular, it’s going to be ugly and it’s going to be war. The liberal elites in…

New York notes

19 November 2016 9:00 am

The great persuader The shock was total. Jaws had dropped, faces were stunned. ‘How could this be?’ was the thought…