John Curtice

Things look bleak for the Tories

5 May 2024 10:36 pm

Thursday’s local elections almost inevitably produced a cacophony of information. That presented the parties with plenty of opportunity to cherry…

Why Labour is 99 per cent likely to form the next government

30 March 2024 1:59 am

Academic conferences – even ones about politics – rarely make the news. This week’s annual conference of UK political scientists…

It gets worse and worse for Rishi Sunak

17 February 2024 3:42 am

Sixteen months ago Rishi Sunak was installed as Conservative leader and prime minister in the hope that he would be…

Who are the polls predicting will be the next leader of Scotland?

14 March 2023 8:19 pm

Voting for the next SNP leader has begun. But who will emerge as the winner is far from clear. Nearly…

What happens to the Tory party now?

21 October 2022 2:10 am

Liz Truss is not quite the shortest-serving prime minister in history. George Cunning has that prize because he died while…