Smart move to keep smartphones out of classrooms
Smartphones have become a big educational talking point. This year, the French government banned the use of mobile phones in schools, while…
Cut the losses on Gonski 2.0 review and quietly back away
You have to feel just a little bit sorry for Simon Birmingham. The federal education minister was effectively shoe-horned into…
60 Minutes: can do better
For the last ten years or so, people have been credulously extolling the virtues of Finland’s education policies. Journalists in many media outlets have amplified…
Ignore the preschool panic
You might forgive parents reading the Sydney Morning Herald this week for thinking they’d better abandon their skinny latte and…
Woolly thinking won’t help with education
Some weeks more than others, the woolly thinking that leads to poor policy is blindingly obvious. Education policy development is…
The neoliberals ate my maths homework
The latest international maths and science results suggest that Australia is a slow learner when it comes to improving school…
RIP Reading Recovery
Thanks to NSW Education Minister Adrian Piccoli, the deeply entrenched, multi-million dollar Reading Recovery program will no longer be sacrosanct…
The Productivity Commission’s schools fail
The Productivity Commission’s draft report into the evidence base for education confirms there has been little improvement in student outcomes…